Mg group шины диски

Изделия из мрамора и гранита: подоконники, столешницы, камины, лестницы, бассейны, фонтаны, колонны, барные стойки

Компания MG GROUP приветствует Вас и готова предложить широчайший спектр изделий из мрамора и гранита — натурального камня зарубежных и отечественных месторождений.

Основным направлением деятельности компании являются изделия из мрамора и гранита.

Обратившись в компанию MG GROUP, Вы можете быть уверены, что мы поможем сделать Ваш дом произведением искусства.

Благодаря собственным производственным мощностям, расположенным в г. Иваново и высококвалифицированному персоналу, современному оборудованию наша компания в минимальные сроки готова осуществить все Ваши самые смелые творческие замыслы, изящно и со вкусом оформить Ваш интерьер.

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КОЛЕСНЫЕ ДИСКИ – какие лучше?

Подоконники, столешницы, камины, лестницы, бассейны, фонтаны, колонны и барные стойки из гранита и мрамора

Мы рады представить Вам основные изделия из мрамора и гранита нашей компании, которые помогут сделать интерьер Вашего дома уникальным и неповторимым. Вы можете реализовать практически любую дизайнерскую задумку — наши мастера помогут Вам в этом.

Подоконники из мрамора — у нас Вы можете купить или заказать подоконник из мрамора. Мы осуществляем производство и монтаж изделий, по индивидуальным проектам. Обычно подоконник изготавливается цельной плитой. Цвет и форма наружного торца подоконника может служить гармоничным дополнением к столешнице.

Столешницы из мрамора и гранита это идеальное решение для кухни, которое подчеркнет Ваш неповторимый стиль. Использование столешницы из мрамора в интерьере кухни, преобразит атмосферу всего Вашего дома и задаст тон всей кухонной атрибутике. Наша компания изготавливает мраморные столешницы любой сложности по индивидуальным чертежам.

Лестницы из мрамора это прекрасное украшение дома. Каменная лестница это еще и выгодное капиталовложение потому, что такая лестница прослужит верой и правдой многим поколениям Вашей семьи.

Камины из мрамора — наши специалисты помогут Вам сделать правильный выбор между каминами из мрамора или другого натурального камня. У нас Вы сможете выбрать различные стили оформления каминов, а наши цены Вас приятно удивят.

Доступные цены на изделия из мрамора и гранита в сочетании с европейским уровнем качества нашей продукции, мы надеемся, удовлетворят даже самых требовательных клиентов. Наш высокий профессионализм уже смогли оценить как владельцы частных квартир и коттеджей, так и коммерческие организации. При этом мы используем только качественный натуральный камень, поставляемый нами напрямую с карьеров, а не через перекупщиков, что гарантирует выгодную цену на изделия нашим заказчикам.

© 2008-2021
Лестницы, столешницы, камины и другие изделия из мрамора и гранита, натурального и природного камня

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Как выбрать колеса? Маркировка шин и дисков

Типография «MG-Group» / г. Челябинск

Mg group шины диски

Mg group шины диски

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Mg group шины диски

Mg group шины диски

Mg group шины диски

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Mg group шины диски

Типография «MG-Group» / г. Челябинск запись закреплена

Mg group шины дискиСезон начинается, пора работать! Скачайте нашу презентацию и получите до 1000 визиток в подарок к первому заказу Mg group шины диски

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Mg group шины диски

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Mg group шины диски

Типография «MG-Group» / г. Челябинск запись закреплена

Подарить плед, чтобы выполнить план “Нет людей!” Постоянно слышим слова от наших партенеров. B реально, последние исследования Росстата говорят о дефиците квалифицированных кадров в России. Можно смело добавить, что вообще лучше говорить о дефиците хотя бы адекватных людей))
Показать полностью. Разбираться почему так случилось- это не наша задача. Но это повод держаться и мотивировать ваших сотрудников, чтобы они работали с большей отдачей и были лояльны к компании. Все люди любят подарки и с точки зрения мозга-это выброс гармонов счастья. Именно поэтому важно чтобы работа ассоциировалась у человека с приятными эмоциями -так он будет больше отдавать в ответ (это заложено в нас биологически, если нет расстройств) Прекрасный способ проявить заботу о сотрудниках-заказать к новому году корпоративные пледы с вышивкой логотипа вашей компании. Убить сразу двух зайцев: и бренд продвигать и повысить лояльность сотрудников. Оставляйте заявку в директ, мы оперативно ответим и сделаем расчет. Источник

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Как правильно установить шины?

Mg group шины диски

The site employs more than 150 people in Groningen in the northern part of the Netherlands. The R&D laboratory for all M&G Group companies and customers is located at this site.


Homebase of the headquarter of M&G Group and also the origin of the Burgerhout brand, which has a very strong position on the wholesale market in the Benelux and France with solutions for installers in the heating and ventilation industry. The production site employs over 150 people.


A site which specializes in ventilation and roofing products and supplies these to the Dutch wholesalers. The brand Anjo was founded in 1964 and is located in Beverwijk, near the Dutch capital of Amsterdam.


This Belgian city near Brussel is not only famous for its beer but is also the location of M&G Group Belgium. M&G Group Belgium distributes its products through wholesalers to Belgian installers in the heating industry. The company also supplies stainless steel insulated systems and produces stainless steel handle systems for hospitals etc.

Croissy Beaubourg

Burgerhout France distributes its products through wholesalers to French installers in the heating industry. They also supply stainless steel insulated systems. The company, which is located in Torcy near Paris, was founded in 1984.


Ant Kalip is specialized in manufacturing for OEM customers in Turkey, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Asia. It is located in the Turkish city of Istanbul and employs 80 people. The company was founded in 1955 and joined M&G Group in 2007

Vacaville, CA

M&G Duravent specializes in a wide range of Venting Systems for the North American Commercial and Residential HVAC and Hearth markets. It supplies to Distributors, Dealers, Exclusive Reps, and OEM Customers. Founded in 1956, DuraVent employs over 300 people and has 2 locations, Vacaville, CA and Albany, NY.

Albany, NY

M&G Duravent specializes in a wide range of Venting Systems for the North American Commercial and Residential HVAC and Hearth markets. It supplies to Distributors, Dealers, Exclusive Reps, and OEM Customers. Founded in 1956, DuraVent employs over 300 people and has 2 locations, Vacaville, CA and Albany, NY.


Security Chimneys specializes in a wide range of Venting Systems for the North American Commercial HVAC and Hearth markets. It supplies to Distributors, Dealers, Exclusive Reps, and OEM Customers. Founded in 1960, Security Chimneys manufactures in Laval, Quebec.


This M&G Group site specializes in flue gas venting systems for OEM customers in Southern Europe. M&G Group Italia was founded in 1986 and is located in the Italian village of Orgiano, near Verona and Venice. M&G Group Italia employs 80 people.

Gorla Minore

Stabile was founded in 1977 and is located near Milan. Nowadays, it is an Italian leading manufacturer and distributor of connecting flue pipes and accessories in aluminum for gas boilers, in carbon steel for wood and pellet stoves, stainless steel chimneys and polypropylene chimneys for condensing boilers. Stabile employs 35 people in total.


This branch specializes in flue gas venting systems for OEM customers in Germany. M&G Group is located in the village of Neuss, near Düsseldorf.


Mg group шины диски

This branch specializes in flue gas venting systems for OEM customers in the United Kingdom. M&G Group is located in the village of Beachampton, near Milton Keynes.

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Маркировка внедорожных шин: U/T, H/T, A/T, M/T – что это значит

Our solutions

M&G Group is the world’s leading manufacturer of flue gas venting and ventilation systems. The company has extensive knowledge of relevant legislation in Europe and North America and operate a quality system according to ISO 9001:2015. The Group’s activities revolve around R&D, innovation and custom-made solutions for customers all over the world. As a partner of leading boiler manufacturers M&G Group companies contribute to cost-effectively solving flue venting issues inside and outside the boiler. A complete range of aluminium, stainless steel and plastic (PP) products is developed by highly skilled engineers and produced in the M&G Group’s own ultra-modern production facilities.

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Выбираем шины и диски для внедорожных путешествий


Sustainability is one of our core values. Care and protection for the environment are integral to our daily activities and reduced energy consumption central to product design and production processes. We are focused on the long-term future of our planet and M&G Group. In addition to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the sustainable employability of employees plays an important role in our sustainability policy. The health of employees is paramount and is leading in the projects, M&G Group is starting to increase employability. M&G Group, Burgerhout and all other members of the M&G Group are participants in many sustainability and CSR initiatives. A small selection: The international ISO 14001 standard determines the requirements that an environmental management system must meet. Because the M&G Group and its branches comply with this, we show that we want to continuously improve our environmental performance by making more efficient use of raw materials and reducing waste. Wherever waste is generated, we will always dispose of it and recycle it in a responsible manner. ICDuBo (Innovation Center for Sustainable Building) inspires, informs, advises and connects all parties involved in the sustainable (re) development and management of real estate. Supply and demand are actively brought together, during congresses, events and theme meetings. ICDuBo has a spacious showroom of 2500 m2, which offers a complete overview of the latest solutions, including those of Burgerhout / M&G Group, in the field of sustainable building and sustainable living. This unique design makes ICDuBo the largest sustainability centre in Europe. Mg group шины дискиThe Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) certificate is for organizations that are actively involved in the making of sustainability and if possible, creating circular activities. It is not just about ‘wanting’ but also about ‘doing’ – by specifically working on projects that match the nature and size of the company. Mg group шины дискиThe Koploper project for future-proof entrepreneurship is focused on sustainable and strengthening of the regional economy, by providing progressive SME organizations with the knowledge, tools and network to better respond to the development towards a climate-neutral, circular and inclusive economy. Thus “future-proof business”. In 2018 M&G Group participated in a Koploper project in Assen, thereby ensuring that sustainable business became a structural improvement process within the organization. This reflects itself in, among other things, adjustments in the production halls (such as the use of LED lighting) and production methods (including waste separation) to an investment in a completely new factory, where sustainability plays an important role right from the start. Mg group шины дискиDuring the “Lean and Sustainable Production” project, which was started from Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen in collaboration with the Hogeschool van Arnhem and Nijmegen, various research projects were carried out. In the subsequent phase, 15 production companies, including our location in Assen, were supported with lean and sustainability projects. Mg group шины дискиCorporate Social Responsibility is a concept that has been put into practice by the M&G Group for many years. M&G Group locations in Groningen and Assen have been working together with Meesterwerk Werkprojecten for many years. Together we have a working partnership in which the government of Groningen, Werkplein Drentse Aa (Assen) and UWV also participate. Meesterwerk and Burgerhout have been working together for years on the Werk op Werk project in close collaboration with Werkplein Baanzicht Assen and the UWV. Various participation jobs are made available within this project. Meesterwerk has set up its own training facility with its partners where candidates can gain their first work experience. Armed with the correct skills and workplace confidence, people can then move on to Burgerhout’s own location. A clear division of roles has been agreed upon within the partnership: the government and the Werkplein are responsible for the recruitment of potential candidates, M&G Group and Burgerhout make the learning workplaces available and Meesterwerk Werkprojecten is responsible for coordination and supervision.

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Бизнес идея для новичка Как не прогореть на мелочах б/у колеса шины диски Бизнес с нуля Заработок

Our facts

  • M&G Group is active in the development, manufacturing and marketing of flue gas venting systems and ventilation systems
  • Headquarter is located in Assen, The Netherlands
  • The group employs over 600 professionals at 10 locations in 7 different countries
  • European market leader in sales and technology.
  • The core values of M&G Group are:
    • Respect: we deal with each other and our customers with respect & integrity.
    • Sustainability: we are aware of the challenges facing our planet, and act responsibly. We are focused on the long term future of M&G Group.
    • Partnership: we aim for partnership relations with our customer, and cooperatoin between departments and locations is naturally.
    • Safety and security: paramount for our employees, products and processes.
    • Entrepeneurship: we take ownership and show initiative, and focus on the end-results with everything we do.

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