The Comedy Central Roasts have gathered some familiar names over the years but it’s doubtful any of them bigger than Charlie Sheen. I guess what made this special so «special» is the fact that the actor was in the biggest year of his career because it was all going down the toilet. Being fired from his hit TV show, a disastrous comedy tour, hookers, drugs, his father crying out for him and this was just the beginning but with all of this stuff it certainly left the roasters a lot to work with. Once again Seth MacFarlane returns as the host and we also get roasters including William Shatner, Kate Walsh, Mike Tyson, Jon Lovitz, Steve-O, Amy Schumer, Patrice O’Neal and of course Jeffrey Ross. The comedy level is pretty high from start to finish with a wide range of jokes, which of course aren’t going to be for those easily offended. There are many jokes aimed at Sheen’s profession of abusing hookers and of course the drug jokes are non-stop. As you’d expect, the level of laughs from the roasters is quite mixed but for the most part they’re all pretty good. The real stand out should come as no shock but it’s Jeffrey Ross, the one vet from previous roasts. The man will certainly stop at nothing to get a laugh and this includes jokes about Sheen’s children and a few very sharp ones aimed at Tyson. Speaking of Tyson, he is certainly the target for a lot of jokes with some very funny ones about his voice, prison stint and of course a couple about Don King. The former boxer also does a pretty good job in his segment and manages to be quite funny poking fun of those on the stage. The real key to the event is seeing how the real target takes everything and it’s clear that Sheen is having a good time. He’s certainly laughing at the majority of the material and I was really shocked to see how well he handled some of the jokes and especially the ones aimed at his children. Even Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez get a few nice jokes told about them. At the end Sheen gets to stand up and deliver back at those on stage and he too manages to come across very funny. Fans of the series will certainly have to rank this as one of the best and I’m sure those fans of Sheen will enjoy looking back with laughs at his troubled past.
Overall — just ‘good enough’. Sheen provides a wealth of material and they skewer him well.
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First of all — the dais is pretty disappointing. For a guaranteed ratings winner (it was CC’s highest rated roast) a lot of the old, big names like Lisa Lampanelli, Gilbert Gottfried, Nick DiPaolo and others weren’t there. And Jon Lovitz and Steve O are not worthy replacements. Not to mention no people from Charlie’s world. I guess that says something about the guy right? Or maybe the producers are just getting lazy.
Speaking of which, they have to stop getting Seth MacFarlane to MC these things. He’s gotten boring and doesn’t bring anything special to the shows.
WINNING. Jeff Ross owned the night — he’s been roasting Charlie on their comedy tour and brings out the A material. Amy Schumer is also nice and nasty.
MIDDLE GROUND: Anthony Jeselnik has some good one-liners but his delivery is kinda annoying. I believe Patrice O’Neal when he said he had to throw out some of his prepared material. He seemed to be winging it a bit, but I like how he tried to describe the roasters (Anthony as a Medieval Restaurant waiter lol). William Shatner did well. Jon Lovitz.
TIGER DUD: Kate Walsh was pretty bland, Steve O was terrible, Mike Tyson was all over the place. Get rid of MacFarlane.
Overally it was funny and enjoyable — you have to be pretty lame to screw up a Charlie Sheen roast, but a bit more effort next time Comedy Central.
Видео:Как Чарли Шин угробил карьеру и подорвал здоровьеСкачать
User Reviews
Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen (2011)
The Comedy Central Roasts have gathered some familiar names over the years but it’s doubtful any of them bigger than Charlie Sheen. I guess what made this special so «special» is the fact that the actor was in the biggest year of his career because it was all going down the toilet. Being fired from his hit TV show, a disastrous comedy tour, hookers, drugs, his father crying out for him and this was just the beginning but with all of this stuff it certainly left the roasters a lot to work with. Once again Seth MacFarlane returns as the host and we also get roasters including William Shatner, Kate Walsh, Mike Tyson, Jon Lovitz, Steve-O, Amy Schumer, Patrice O’Neal and of course Jeffrey Ross. The comedy level is pretty high from start to finish with a wide range of jokes, which of course aren’t going to be for those easily offended. There are many jokes aimed at Sheen’s profession of abusing hookers and of course the drug jokes are non-stop. As you’d expect, the level of laughs from the roasters is quite mixed but for the most part they’re all pretty good. The real stand out should come as no shock but it’s Jeffrey Ross, the one vet from previous roasts. The man will certainly stop at nothing to get a laugh and this includes jokes about Sheen’s children and a few very sharp ones aimed at Tyson. Speaking of Tyson, he is certainly the target for a lot of jokes with some very funny ones about his voice, prison stint and of course a couple about Don King. The former boxer also does a pretty good job in his segment and manages to be quite funny poking fun of those on the stage. The real key to the event is seeing how the real target takes everything and it’s clear that Sheen is having a good time. He’s certainly laughing at the majority of the material and I was really shocked to see how well he handled some of the jokes and especially the ones aimed at his children. Even Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez get a few nice jokes told about them. At the end Sheen gets to stand up and deliver back at those on stage and he too manages to come across very funny. Fans of the series will certainly have to rank this as one of the best and I’m sure those fans of Sheen will enjoy looking back with laughs at his troubled past.
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Overall — just ‘good enough’. Sheen provides a wealth of material and they skewer him well.
First of all — the dais is pretty disappointing. For a guaranteed ratings winner (it was CC’s highest rated roast) a lot of the old, big names like Lisa Lampanelli, Gilbert Gottfried, Nick DiPaolo and others weren’t there. And Jon Lovitz and Steve O are not worthy replacements. Not to mention no people from Charlie’s world. I guess that says something about the guy right? Or maybe the producers are just getting lazy.
Speaking of which, they have to stop getting Seth MacFarlane to MC these things. He’s gotten boring and doesn’t bring anything special to the shows.
WINNING. Jeff Ross owned the night — he’s been roasting Charlie on their comedy tour and brings out the A material. Amy Schumer is also nice and nasty.
MIDDLE GROUND: Anthony Jeselnik has some good one-liners but his delivery is kinda annoying. I believe Patrice O’Neal when he said he had to throw out some of his prepared material. He seemed to be winging it a bit, but I like how he tried to describe the roasters (Anthony as a Medieval Restaurant waiter lol). William Shatner did well. Jon Lovitz.
TIGER DUD: Kate Walsh was pretty bland, Steve O was terrible, Mike Tyson was all over the place. Get rid of MacFarlane.
Overally it was funny and enjoyable — you have to be pretty lame to screw up a Charlie Sheen roast, but a bit more effort next time Comedy Central.
Видео:Чарли Шин - Ответ продюсерам на свое увольнение из "Два С Половиной Человека"Скачать
Осмеяние Чарли Шина (ТВ)
Предупреждаем — материал данной передачи может быть неприемлем для некоторых категорий зрителей. Присутствует нецензурная лексика и материалы для взрослых.
Мы высшие монахи, колдуны.
Убийцы из Ватикана.
Они будут плакать от такой рок-звезды!
Бро, я словно истребитель.
Это Высмеивание Чарли Шина на Comedy Central,
при поддержке дезодоранта Axe
и FIFA 12.
А теперь, поприветствуйте ведущего,
Сэта Макфарлейна!
Леди и джентельмены.
Большое спасибо.
Добрый вечер, леди и джентельмены.
Я Сэт Макфарлейн,
и да, этот вечер наступил.
Добро пожаловать на Высмеивание Чарли Шина на канале Comedy Central.
Да, мы здесь собрались чтобы почтить, и надеюсь арестовать
человека, который 25 лет назад был хорош в двух вещах,
Чарли Шина.
Вообще, сейчас на телевидении очень много Шина,
сегодня вечером, когда идёт это шоу.
Сегодня в сериале «Два с половиной человека»
проходят шутливые похороны Чарли,
верьте этому или нет.
Но не парьтесь!
Просто погодите месяц-другой, возможно увидите настоящие.
Мы ведь все знаем, что возможно
Чарли скоро умрёт,
так что я написал некролог.
«Чарли Шин, ставший жертвой таблойдов
«из-за проблем с алкоголем и наркотиками,
был обнаружен мёртвым у себя в квартире—»
Хотя, знаете что?
Вообще-то я взял и почти скопировал некролог Эми Уайнхаус.
Пришлось изменить всего три вещи.
Пол покойного, местоположение трупа,
и то где говорится «Талант, по которому будут скучать.»
Мы любим Чарли!
Отлично. Теперь я знаю что Тайсон
не отмутузит меня.
Это хорошо.
Так что мы немного подразним его сегодня,
но нельзя отрицать то, что Чарли Шин — икона.
Вы видели его на телевидении. Вы видели его в кино.
А если вы проститутка,
то видели его тыкающим ствол в ваше лицо,
пока вы пытетесь его возбудить.
Давайте вспомним всю ту работу,
которая оплатила весь этот кокаин.
Господа. Он вернулся.
Эй, приятель.
И они бегут.
О, я спокоен.
Видел бы ты меня неспокойным.
На что уставился?
Что лыбишься, а?
Как долго ты можешь кататься за яхтами?
Сколько тебе надо?
Читайте также: Какие шипованные шины лучше для полного привода
— Я твоя дочь.
— Нет, неправда.
Десять раз «Тоже».
Кровь тигра. Да, это реальность.
Такая же реальность как и я сам.
У нас ордер! Мы закон!
— Гольф-хлопки?
— Гольф-хлопки.
Некоторые говорят что вы биполярный.
Я би-победитель. Победитель!
Чарли Шин точно снова на наркотиках.
— Конечно.
— Наркотики?
Я на наркотике, он называется «Чарли Шин.»
Напоминаю — кровь тигра.
«Победитель-куриный спаситель» — я так не думаю.
«Победитель-Шин спаситель!»
Победитель. О*уенно круто, да?
Из-за разногласий в авторских правах
мы не можем показать вам сцену
из «Два с половиной человека.»
Сделай этого у*бка.
- Свежие записи
- Нужно ли менять пружины при замене амортизаторов
- Скрипят амортизаторы на машине что делать
- Из чего состоит стойка амортизатора передняя
- Чем стянуть пружину амортизатора без стяжек
- Для чего нужны амортизаторы в автомобиле
- Правообладателям
- Политика конфиденциальности
Автоподбор © 2023
Информация, опубликованная на сайте, носит исключительно ознакомительный характер💥 Видео
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