Шина oracle soa suite

1 Introduction to Building Applications with Oracle SOA Suite

This chapter describes service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Oracle SOA Suite, standards used by Oracle SOA Suite to enable SOA, SOA composite application architecture and runtime behavior, approaches to designing SOA composite applications, and where to go to learn more about Oracle SOA Suite.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Видео:Install Oracle SOA Suite 12c ( | RCU | Domain Config | Cluster CreationСкачать

Install Oracle SOA Suite 12c ( | RCU | Domain Config | Cluster Creation

1.1 Introduction to Service-Oriented Architecture

Changing markets, increasing competitive pressures, and evolving customer needs are placing greater pressure on IT to deliver greater flexibility and speed. Today, every organization is faced with predicting change in a global business environment, to rapidly respond to competitors, and to best exploit organizational assets for growth. In response to these challenges, leading companies are adopting service-oriented architecture (SOA) to deliver on these requirements by overcoming the complexity of their application and IT environments.

SOA provides an enterprise architecture that supports building connected enterprise applications to provide solutions to business problems. SOA facilitates the development of enterprise applications as modular business web services that can be easily integrated and reused, creating a truly flexible, adaptable IT infrastructure.

Видео:Oracle SOA Suite: Basic Concepts for Beginners - Part1Скачать

Oracle SOA Suite: Basic Concepts for Beginners - Part1

1.2 Introduction to Services

SOA separates business functions into distinct units, or services. A SOA application reuses services to automate a business process.

A standard interface and message structure define services. The most widely used mechanism are web services standards. These standards include the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file for service interface definition and XML Schema Documents (XSD) for message structure definition. These XML standards are easily exchanged using standard protocols. Because standards for web services use a standard document structure, they enable existing systems to interoperate regardless of the choice of operating system and computer language used for service implementation.

When designing a SOA approach, you create a service portfolio plan to identify common functionality to use as a service within the business process. By creating and maintaining a plan, you ensure that existing services and applications are reused or repurposed whenever possible. This plan also reduces the time spent in creating needed functionality for the application.

Видео:Oracle SOA Suite 12c High Level OverviewСкачать

Oracle SOA Suite 12c High Level Overview

1.3 Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite

Oracle SOA Suite provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing composite applications. Oracle SOA Suite enables services to be created, managed, and orchestrated into composite applications and business processes. Composites enable you to easily assemble multiple technology components into one SOA composite application. Oracle SOA Suite plugs into heterogeneous IT infrastructures and enables enterprises to incrementally adopt SOA.

The components of Oracle SOA Suite benefit from common capabilities, including a single deployment, management, and tooling model, end-to-end security, and unified metadata management. Oracle SOA Suite is unique in that it provides the following set of integrated capabilities:

Видео:Oracle SOA Suite 12c: REST Enabling SOAСкачать

Oracle SOA Suite 12c: REST Enabling SOA

Сервис-ориентированная технология или небольшая вводная ориентировка в мире SOA

Привет, хаброжителям и всем добрым людям.

Давно сижу здесь, но вот пока только читаю. Пора и мне что-то да привнести в сей интереснейший ресурс.
Что же интересного могу я Вам поведать? Занимаюсь веб-разработкой, css, javascript, php и прочее, но основная работа – работа в Банке (Специалист по развитию банковских систем).

В данный момент я активно работаю с продуктом Oracle — Oracle SOA Suite 11g, MiddleFusion Controll 11g, Enterprise Manager, Weblogic. На Хабре я встречал довольно не малое количество статей об этом, но отчасти по java-разработке. А я хочу прежде всего познакомить читателей с Oracle SOA Suite 11g, рассказать о некоторых особенностях, которые реально можно познать, только работая с данной технологией. А так как сейчас такая интеграционная шина только начинает интересовать своей перспективой многие финансовые учреждения, да и вообще, по-этому я думаю такая тема является актуальной, тем более, что я могу поделиться опытом.

Так же все ПО, которое я использую является лицензированный и платным – а значит для Вас это возможность узнать о продукте и его преимуществах, не покупая его же.

Итак, чем же этот продукт может быть интересен?

— на сегодняшний день сервис-ориентированная технология (Service Oriented Apllication, SOA) позволяет расширить сами возможности IT сферы. Система Oracle SOA Suite 11g существенно упрощает процесс создания и развертывания SOA, а также управления ею с помощью лучшей в своем классе комплексной, открытой, интегрированной технологи.
С официального сайта – как по книге:

Простая и высокопроизводительная разработка— унифицированный, простой в использовании набор средств, который позволяет повысить производительность труда разработчика, способствует повторному использованию активов и стимулирует сотрудничество разработчика информационной системы с представителями бизнеса.
Высочайшая производительность и масштабируемость— обработка событий в реальном времени, обеспечение высокой пропускной способности, а также использование самой масштабируемой в отрасли grid-сети серверов приложений позволяют добиться высокой производительности и надежности.
Унифицированное управление и контроль— унифицированная инфраструктура для событий и служб, а также сквозное отслеживание копий по всем приложениям позволяют обеспечить интегрированное управление и защиту системы.

Это все почти правда.
Считаю, что для реального пользователя важно 3 вещи – скорость обработки и выполнения Сервисов и приложений, гибкость в разработке и настройке и конечно же защита, и все это здесь можно найти. Ну и конечно Oracle SOA Suite и шина преобразует единую ИТ-инфраструктуру в более гибкую и управляемую. Единственная проблема – отсутствие Мозгов специалистов по этой сервис-ориентированной технологии в странах СНГ.

С личного опыта – индийский суппорт Оракла не отличился в моей памяти своей эффективностью, а как всегда пришлось браться за Бубен. Так же хочется отметить, что это очень гибкая система – это и хорошо и плохо. Хорошо – можно интегрировать все, что интегрируется – я бы, пожалуй, через пару лет по этой системе себе дом автоматизировал в единую консоль под интеграцией
Oracle SOA. Плохо – эта система довольно таки нова и не так распространена, как например — photoshop, и даже суппорт или хелпы с трудом вам прямо дадут ответ на ваши вопросы.

И для каждого веб-девелопера знакомо – такая система быстрее всего работает под Linux, хотя ее администрирование и развитие неплохо работает и под Windows.

Для большей авторитетности вот чем Оракл подкрепляет мою мотивацию работать с этой системой:

• Университет Аделаиды оптимизирует работу с помощью набора Oracle SOA Suite
• Университет Виргинии использует набор Oracle SOA Suite для управления рисками по соблюдению требований законодательства
• Rosendin Electric автоматизирует процессы Procure-to-Pay с помощью Oracle SOA Suite
• Интеграция Oracle SOA Suite с Facebook позволяет GM OnStar быстрее выводить новые услуги на рынок
• Использование Oracle SOA Suite позволяет Telenet быстрее выводить новые услуги на рынок
• С помощью набора Oracle SOA Suite и шины компания Dell преобразует свою единую ИТ-инфраструктуру в более гибкую и управляемую
• Использование набора Oracle SOA Suite позволило федеральному правительству Бельгии сократить время разработки услуг с 12 до 2 месяцев.

Состав Oracle SOA Suite 11g

В состав Oracle SOA Suite 11g входят:

  1. Oracle Service Bus
  2. Oracle BPEL Process Manager
  3. Oracle B2B Integration
  4. Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
  5. Oracle Event Processing
  6. Oracle Business Rules
  7. Oracle JDeveloper
  8. Oracle Enterprise Manager

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Тут (в корпоративном стандарте) конечно же читерство с патчами, креками, и битыми лицензиями уже не катит, к сожалению.

Пакет Oracle SOA Suite основано на стандартах, с возможностью «hot-pluggable» инфраструктуры взаимодействует с существующими ИТ-инвестициями, понижая первоначальные затраты. Все эти компоненты обеспечивают последовательность инструментов и собственно функционал, единое внедрение и управление моделью, обеспечение «end-to-end» безопасности и единое управление метаданными – вот то, что дадут вам эти компоненты. Правила управляемых сервисов оркестровки автоматизации позволяет повысить эффективность и гибкость. Полная платформа SOA обеспечивает необходимым единую и «end-to-end» бизнес модель в масштабах любого предприятия. Так в теории. На практике все компоненты используются очень редко. Во-первых — это дорого. Не стоит уже даже упоминать о суппорте со стороны Оракла и дальнейшей поддержке. Во-вторых, в таком пакете реализованы множество возможностей для разного рода задач и мало кому нужен полный спектр такого масштабного и дорогого ПО. Вы же не станете устанавливать полный пакет Adobe, если вам нужен Photoshop.

Я активно использую:

JDeveloper – в реальности это редактор для создания разного рода композитов, приложений и в общем проектов. Что дает он мне? – быструю возможность моделирования, программирования, отладки, тестирования, профилирования, настройка и внедрение приложений. Так же опционально я себе поставил – Composite Assebly Editor, для того, что бы в виртуальном режиме выполнять сборку различных композитов и технологий.
Oracle Enterprise Manager – на самом деле очень удобный и интуитивно понятный диспетчер политик — веб-доступ, вход службы в систему, проверка содержимого, кеширование, троттлинг — порог одновременно поступающих сообщений, при достижении которого шина перестает вызывать провайдер сервиса, а начинает складывать сообщения в очередь. Тем самым осуществляется защита провайдера сервиса от атак вида «Отказ в обслуживании».
Oracle BPEL Process Manager — использую для удобного построения BPEL процессов.

Так же стоит отметить, что для всех без исключения девелоперов и интеграторов сейчас наступает новый этап развития менеджмента – а именно Cloud Management, который как нельзя кстати здесь и реализован.

Видео:Oracle SOA Suite – Parte 1Скачать

Oracle SOA Suite – Parte 1

This chapter covers the following topics:

Видео:Oracle SOA Suite 12c Mediator ComponentСкачать

Oracle SOA Suite 12c Mediator Component

Oracle Integration Repository Overview

Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway is the intrinsic part of Oracle E-Business Suite for service enablement. It provides the capability of invoking Web services and allowing Web service clients to make use of the services provided from Oracle E-Business Suite.

To accomplish this goal, there must be a centralized location where all service related business interfaces can be stored, and at the same time all application users can browse through these business interfaces knowing what type of services are available for service consumption. Oracle Integration Repository, an integral part of Oracle E-Business Suite, is the repository to serve this purpose.

Oracle Integration Repository contains numerous interface endpoints exposed by applications throughout the entire Oracle E-Business Suite. It is not only an essential component within Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway, but also provides a complete catalog of integration interfaces within Oracle E-Business Suite. You can use this tool to easily discover and search on interfaces, regardless of custom or Oracle seeded ones.

Integration Interface Types Within Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Integration Repository supports the following integration interface types which can be categorized as follows:

Important: Oracle Integration Repository supports REST service enablement for Open Interface Tables and Views. If a concurrent program is associated with an open interface table or view, this concurrent program can be viewed and displayed under the Open Interface type and can be available as a REST service.

Business Service Object (Service Beans)

Application Module Services

Note: Application Module Implementation class is a Java class that provides access to business logic governing the OA Framework-based components and pages. Such Java classes are called Application Module Services and are categorized as a subtype of Java interface.

Note: Java APIs whose methods use parameters of either simple data types or serializable Java Beans are categorized as Java Bean Services, a subtype of Java interface. Such Java APIs can be exposed as REST-based Web services.

Note: Unlike other service-enabled interfaces, security services are a set of predefined and predeployed REST services from Oracle Application Object Library. This type of services provides security related features for mobile applications.

Non-service enabled public interfaces

Detailed information on each interface type, see Interface Types.

Major Features

A unified repository from which all integration interface types are exposed.

Any changes in interface definitions and descriptions are automatically reflected with release.

A powerful user interface to help you find the data you are looking for from the repository.

It displays each interface details including source information, methods within the interface, and Web service information if the interface can be service enabled.

It supports composite services containing a collection of native interfaces.

It enforces security rules to allow only authorized users to perform administrative tasks such as generate and deploy Web services.

It supports custom integration interfaces.

Видео:Oracle SOA Suite 12c FOR EACH activity in BPELСкачать

Oracle SOA Suite 12c FOR EACH activity in BPEL

Getting Started

Accessing Oracle Integration Repository

You can access the repository like any other Oracle E-Business Suite application, provided that you are logged in as a user with sufficient permissions. From the Navigator menu, select the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility, then click the Integration Repository link. Oracle Integration Repository appears.

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Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway allows the following three roles to access the Integration Repository user interfaces and perform necessary tasks:

System Integration Analyst

System Integration Developer

Integration Repository Administrator

Users who have different roles can perform various tasks as described in the following table:

PrivilegesSystem Integration AnalystSystem Integration DeveloperIntegration Repository Administrator
View Public InterfacesYesYesYes
View Private/Internal InterfacesNoYesYes
Generate/Regenerate SOAP Web ServicesNoYesYes
Deploy/Undeploy SOAP Web ServicesNoNoYes
Deploy/Undeploy REST Web ServicesNoNoYes
Subscribe to Business EventsNoNoYes
Create GrantsNoNoYes
View GrantsNoYesYes
Download Composite ServiceNo

Note: Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway leverages the concepts of permissions and permission sets to grant data access privileges or permissions to users through roles. For example, multiple privileges related to administrative functions can be grouped into an administrative permission set and then granted to a user through the Integration Repository Administrator role. That user becomes an integration repository administrator and has privileges to perform administrative tasks.

System integration analysts by default do not have the privilege to download composite services unless they are granted the download privilege through a permission set. For more information on how to manage security through roles, see Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Security, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

For information on SOAP and REST Web services and how to perform additional administrative tasks, see Common Information on SOAP Web Services and Common Information on REST Web Services.

For information on how to manage security grants, see Managing Grants.

Accessing the Administration Link to Perform Additional Administrative Tasks

After logging in to Oracle E-Business Suite with the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility, users who have the Integration Repository Administrator role can find the Administration link in addition to the Integration Repository link from the Navigator menu. This Administration link is specifically for the administrator to perform additional administrative tasks outside the Integration Repository user interface. Expand the Administration link to display:

SOA Monitor: This link allows the administrators to access the SOA Monitor user interface where the administrators can monitor and audit all SOAP messages in and out through SOA Provider and view the message details.

For information about how to use SOA Monitor, see Monitoring and Managing SOAP Messages Using SOA Monitor, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

Log: This link allows the administrators to access the centralized Log configuration user interface where the administrators can enable and configure log setups.

For information about log configuration, see Logging for Web Services, Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide.

For detailed information on each task performed by the Integration Repository Administrator role, see Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide. For tasks related to the System Integration Developer role, see Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer’s Guide.

Using Oracle Integration Repository

Oracle Integration Repository has two main user interfaces: The Browse interface (the default) and the Search interface.

Following are links to some of the commonly requested information about using Oracle Integration Repository:

Discovering and Reviewing Interfaces

Browsing the Integration Interfaces

The Browse interface appears by default when you invoke Oracle Integration Repository. You can also access it by clicking the Browse button on the search page or any interface information page.

You can browse directly to an appropriate list of interfaces if you know which product family and product you want to integrate with, plus one of the following:

Business entities are objects that either perform business activities or have business activities performed on them. Sales orders, employees, purchase orders, customers, and receipts are all examples of business entities. An interface can be used by multiple business entities, and a business entity can be accessed using multiple interfaces.

Business interface information in Oracle Integration Repository is organized for browsing and searching by interface type, based on the integration technology used.

XML Gateway and web service-based interfaces conform to various industry standards.

If you don’t have this information, you’ll find it more effective to conduct a search.

Oracle Integration Repository Browse Page

You browse the interfaces by selecting one of the following views from the View By list:

Standard (integration standard)

Expand the navigation tree in one of these views to see a list of the available interfaces. To save the list of interfaces in a CSV file, click Export.

To review the details of an interface, click the interface name on the list.

Browsing by Product Family

The Product Family view is organized as follows: Product Family > Product > Business Entity.

For example, Financials > Payables > Payables Invoice .

Select a business entity to view the interfaces that comprise it. Note that a business entity can include multiple interfaces of different types owned by different products. For example, the business entity «Payables Invoice» includes the following:

Create Credit Card Issue Invoice open interface from Internet Expenses

Invoice open interface from Payables

Invoice Notification XML Message from Supply Chain Trading Connector

Browsing by Interface Type

The Interface Type view is organized as follows: Interface Type > Product Family > Product.

For example, Web Service > Financials > Cash Management .

Use this view to see all of the interfaces available for a particular product that use a particular interface type.

Browsing by Standard

The Standard view is organized as follows: Standard and Version > Product Family > Product.

For example, OAG7.2 > Financials > Payables > Process Invoice .

Use this view to browse for a product’s XML Gateway maps and web services belonging to the specified standard, for example W3C or OAG 7.2.

Searching for an Integration Interface

Click the Search button anywhere in Oracle Integration Repository to access the main Search page.

Oracle Integration Repository Search Page

You can search for interfaces with any combination of the following criteria:

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Note: Before entering search criteria in the Search page, you will find the default value ‘All’ automatically displayed in the Product Family, Product, Interface Source, and Interface Type fields. This allows a search to be executed appropriately if you do not make further selections from the drop-down lists.

Additionally, the same default value ‘All’ can also be found in the Category, Status, Web Service Status, Standard, and Scope fields while clicking the Show More Search Options link.

This is the interface name displayed in the browse tree of the Integration Repository user interface.

This is the interface name used internally. It can be PL/SQL package name, the document name, or the Java service interface name.

Interface definition can be categorized based on the integration technology used, such as PL/SQL or concurrent program related interfaces, when it is displayed or browsed in the repository.

Interface types supported in Oracle Integration Repository are PL/SQL, Concurrent Program, XML Gateway, Open Interface Tables, Open Interface Views, Business Service Object, Business event, EDI Interface, Java, and Composite services — BPEL.

Note: Java Bean Services, Application Module Services, Java APIs for Forms, and Security Services are a subtype of Java interface.

An Oracle E-Business Suite application family that supplies the interface. Examples of product family can be Application Technology, Financials, and Manufacturing.

An Oracle E-Business Suite application or component that supplies the interface. Examples of product can be Payables, Cash Management, and Order Management.

Business entities are objects that either perform business activities or have business activities performed on them. For example, sales orders, account numbers, employees, purchase orders, customers, and receipts are all business entities.

Click Show More Search Options to include any of the following additional criteria in your search:

Category and Category Value

Used to qualify product-specific features or to categorize a subtype of an interface. You can select one of the following available category drop-down values if needed:

All (default) — This displays all integration interfaces regardless of category and category values.

Extensions — This category indicates that specific methods of extending the API functionality are provided by certain products. Examples of extensions are the User Hooks provided by Human Resource Management System and Client Extensions provided by Projects.

When Extensions category is selected, you can select the category value (for example, HRMS User Hooks provided ).

Interface Subtype — This category indicates that a subtype of an interface is available.

For example, ‘Java Bean Services’, ‘Application Module Services’, and ‘Security Services’ are a subtype of Java interface.

When Interface Subtype category is selected, Java Bean Services , Application Module Services , Java APIs for Forms , and Security Services are automatically displayed as the list of values for your selection.

Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

All (default) — All integration interfaces will be displayed from the search.

Oracle — All Oracle native packaged integration interfaces and services are categorized with this interface source type.

Custom — This indicates annotated custom integration interfaces. Custom integration interfaces are displayed along with Oracle interfaces from the browser tree.

Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

For more information, see Status in the Common Information table.

If an integration interface is exposed or generated as a Web service, then the Web service can be further deployed from Oracle Integration Repository to the application server.

Use the Web Service Status field to search by different stages of Web services during the service generation and deployment life cycle.

Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

All (default) — This displays all interfaces regardless of the interface types whether they are service enabled or not.

Not Generated — This displays all service-enabled interfaces that do not have Web service generated.

Generated — This displays all interfaces that have Web services generated, but have not yet been deployed.

Deployed — This displays all interfaces that have Web services generated and deployed.

Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

All (default) — All integration interfaces regardless of public, internal, or private interfaces.

Public — These interfaces can be used by anyone.

Internal To Oracle — These interfaces are available for business integration between applications within Oracle E-Business Suite.

For example, if an interface of this type (Internal to Oracle) belongs to Application Object Library, then that interface can be used by any other applications within Oracle E-Business Suite for process integration in addition to using by the Application Object Library.

This type of interface can only be accessed by users who have the System Integration Developer role and the Integration Repository Administrator role.

Private To Application — These interfaces are available for business integration only within the application itself. They will not be used by any other applications outside the application that the interface belongs to.

For example, if an interface with this ‘Private to Application’ type belongs to Purchasing application, then it will not be used by any other applications within Oracle E-Business Suite but Purchasing.

This type of interface can only be accessed by users who have the System Integration Developer role and the Integration Repository Administrator role.

Standard and Standard Specification

After selecting your criteria, click Go to launch the search and see a list of the available interfaces that meet the criteria. To save the list of interfaces to a CSV file, click Export.

To review the details of an interface, click the interface name on the list.

Interface Types

Business interfaces are organized into interface types according to the integration technologies on which they’re based.

Based on the natural way of how services are formed or established, Oracle Integration Repository supports the following interface types:

Native services are native packaged integration interfaces. This type of service includes the following native interfaces:

  • Правообладателям
  • Политика конфиденциальности
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