Увеличить Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac
Увеличить Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac
- Описание Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac
- Основные особенности Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac
- Шины гудиер вранглер дуратрак размеры
- Фотографии шины Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac
- Sizes & Specifications for:
- Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac ®
- LT235/75R15
- 31X10.50R15LT
- 265/70R16
- 245/70R17
- 265/70R17
- LT245/70R17
- LT265/75R16
- Specs for Product Code 312018027:
- Specs for Product Code 312034142:
- LT245/75R16
- 255/75R17
- LT225/75R16
- 265/65R17
- LT235/85R16
- LT275/65R18
- Specs for Product Code 312067142:
- Specs for Product Code 312011142:
- 255/70R18
- Specs for Product Code 150524601:
- Specs for Product Code 150014574:
- 265/60R18
- LT265/70R17
- 33X12.50R15LT
- LT285/75R16
- LT245/75R17
- LT275/70R18
- Specs for Product Code 312068027:
- Specs for Product Code 312065027:
- Specs for Product Code 312012142:
- 275/55R20
- 265/65R18
- 275/65R18
- LT235/80R17
- 275/60R20
- 255/65R19
- LT285/70R17
- Specs for Product Code 312015027:
- Specs for Product Code 312052027:
- 255/60R20
- 255/55R20
- LT295/70R17
- LT295/65R18
- 255/55R19
- LT285/65R18
- 35X12.50R18LT
- LT315/70R17
- 35X12.50R20LT
- 35X12.50R17LT
- LT275/65R20
- 33X12.50R20LT
- LT285/60R20
- 37X12.50R20LT
- LT305/55R20
- LT325/65R18
- LT325/60R20
- 37X13.50R22LT
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Видео:Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac: Внедорожные всесезонные шиныСкачать
Описание Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac
Внедорожная шина Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac подходит тем, кто любит ездить в тяжелых условиях бездорожья. Применяемая технология TractiveGroove, позволила создать отличное сцепление при движении по грязи или глубокому снегу. За счет оптимальной комбинации центральных наклонных блоков протектора и микроканавок, имеющих зигзагообразную форму, шина получила отличное сцепление на различном дорожном покрытии и потрясающую боковую устойчивость. Самоочищающиеся блоки ступенчатые, расположенные в плечевой зоне и большое количество кромок зацепления, повышают управляемость и сцепление при езде по бездорожью.
При изготовлении шины применялась специальная резиновая смесь, отличающаяся повышенной жесткостью, которая делает шину очень прочной, износоустойчивой и предохраняет блоки от разрывов и сколов. Наличие встроенной защиты колесных дисков, не позволит повредить ваши диски. Шина Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac имеет специальные отверстия, для установки шипов. Наличие на шине замка борта предотвращает проскальзывание на диске шины, за счет этого уменьшается количество балансировок.
Эта шина имеет маркировку Mountain Snowflake Symbol, которая официально подтверждает способность шины преодолевать очень сложные трассы в зимних суровых условиях. Все эти качества делают эту шину очень популярной среди владельцев внедорожников. Предназначенная для тяжелой работы, она имеет приемлемую стоимость. Повышенная жесткость позволяет ее так же применять не только на дорогах, но и на строительных площадках.
Основные особенности Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac
— применение технологии TractiveGroove Technology позволило повысить сцепление на грязи и снегу;
— новая комбинация центральных острых блоков протектора и микроканавок зигзагообразной формы обеспечивают повышенную поперечную устойчивость и сцепление;
— специальный состав резиновой смеси, обладающий повышенной жесткостью, позволил увеличить износостойкость и прочность конструкции;
— наличие отверстий под установку шипов;
— ступенчатые блоки в плечевой зоне обеспечивают прекрасное самоочищение.
* Внимание: летние шины не российского происхождения могут быть промаркированы обозначением M+S
Видео:Всесезонка Goodyear Wrangler DuratracСкачать
Шины гудиер вранглер дуратрак размеры
«привет Всем!! пару слов о шинах. Я их купил еще в том году как только вышли 31-10,515 но привезли по весне снег кончался и я обкатать не успел. Пока были новые прошиповал(150 шипов в покрышку). В декабре поставил СУПЕР ШИНКИ. )) оказались очень тихии по трассе, нет ни гула ни звука шипов.управляемость как летом.По снегу гребут как Беларусь,не замыливаются.расход увеличился на1-2л. на рыбалке недавно зарылся по уши)) после метели поехал по полю,дорогу замело ,знал что сяду но ждал когда)) Мой Танк греб до последнего ,пока не сел на сугроб и на защиту )) есть фотки скину потом. Мне резина очень понравилась!!)))хотел раньше Микей Томсон но он дорог и ооочень тяжелый.Да еще.. резина очень эластичная на морозе не дубеет и борт толстый на удивление и мягкий.еще мало на них ежу новпечатления только положительные)))» источник читать целиком »
Duratrack vs BFG AT
«Первые впечатления Goodyear wrangler duratrac и сравнительный тест с bf Goodrich at Резина размером 265х70х17 преобретена на смену BFG at, после пробега на гудричах около 60 тысяч км. Одев на диск резину, первые впечатления — смотрится массивнее и агрессивнее, по высоте на сантиметр выше аналогичного BFG at. Давление сделали сначала 2.2 , проехав по трассе около 100 км поняли очень мягко и подняли давление до 2.4, теперь самое то. Пробег после установки составил около 500 км. Впечатление только положительное. Для сравнения пару дней покатался на аналогичном автомобиле, только обутого в bfg. Итак поехали. Давление в duratrace 2.4, в bfg 2.2 , на разбитом асфальте гудрич намного жестче. По управляемости резина одинакова хороша, разницы не заметил. Если сдуть duratrac до 2.0-2.2 машина становится более валкой. На легком бездорожье, на не сдутой резине bfg замыливается быстрее и хуже очищается. Посмотрим как Goodyear покажет себя на износосостойкость, BFG в этом плане очень хорош. Будем держать Вас в курсе и делиться дальнейшими впечатлениями.» источник читать целиком »
Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac vs MT/R Kevlar
«По укатанным, скользким, обледеневшим зимним дорогам и гололеду MT/R Kevlar заметно уступает собрату Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac, на котором я отъездил всю зиму на Pajero Sport. В глубоком снегу их сравнить вплотную возможности не представилось, но примерно сопоставимо, я бы лидера не выявил. А вот в грязи MT/R Kevlar ведет себя увереннее чем DuraTrac, хотя тоже разница в ньюансах. По ощущениям, «Кевлар» чуть лучше самоочищается в глине и получше лезет из колеи. И не так зависим от давления. Если DuraTrac приходится травить до 0,5-0,7 для уверенного движения по распутице, то Kevlar позволяет не опускаться ниже 0,9, что вдали от дома, в путешествии, однозначное преимущество. » источник читать целиком »
Фотографии шины Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac
Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac LT265/70R17, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport II подготовка ‘Стандарт’
Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac LT315/70R17, GM Hummer H2 подготовка ‘Стандарт’
Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac LT235/85R16, УАЗ 469 (3151*) подготовка ‘Туризм’
Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac LT265/70R17, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport II подготовка ‘Стандарт’
Видео:Тест шин Goodyear Wrangler DuratracСкачать
Sizes & Specifications for:
Видео:Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac | Discount TireСкачать
Goodyear Wrangler DuraTrac ®
Tire Prices vary based on specifications such as speed rating, load index and sidewall. The following are all of the sizes and specifications for the Wrangler DuraTrac ® . Learn more about what each specification means in our tire glossary.
- Tire Size LT235/75R15
- Product Code 312008027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 104
- Load Range C
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 1,985
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.0 — 7.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 6.5
- Section Width (in.) 9.3
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 28.9
- Revs Per Mile 724
- Price $211.00
- Tire Size 31X10.50R15LT
- Product Code 312007027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 109
- Load Range C
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 2,270
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.5
- Section Width (in.) 10.6
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 30.8
- Revs Per Mile 681
- Price $213.00
- Tire Size 265/70R16
- Product Code 150564601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 112
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,469
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.7
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 30.6
- Revs Per Mile 682
- Price $215.00
- Tire Size 245/70R17
- Product Code 150675601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 110
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,337
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.5 — 8.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.0
- Section Width (in.) 9.8
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 30.6
- Revs Per Mile 683
- Price $216.00
- Tire Size 265/70R17
- Product Code 150154601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 115
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,679
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.7
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.7
- Revs Per Mile 659
- Price $218.00
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- Tire Size LT245/70R17
- Product Code 312022142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 119
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,000
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.5 — 8.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.0
- Section Width (in.) 9.8
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 30.6
- Revs Per Mile 684
- Price $220.00
Specs for Product Code 312018027:
- Tire Size LT265/75R16
- Product Code 312018027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 112
- Load Range C
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 2,470
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 8.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.5
- Section Width (in.) 10.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.7
- Revs Per Mile 660
- Price $225.00
Specs for Product Code 312034142:
- Tire Size LT265/75R16
- Product Code 312034142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 123
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,415
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 8.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.5
- Section Width (in.) 10.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.7
- Revs Per Mile 659
- Price $240.00
- Tire Size LT245/75R16
- Product Code 312249027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 120
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,042
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.5 — 8.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.0
- Section Width (in.) 9.8
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 30.7
- Revs Per Mile 681
- Price $230.00
- Tire Size 255/75R17
- Product Code 150684601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 115
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,679
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.5 — 8.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.0
- Revs Per Mile 653
- Price $232.00
- Tire Size LT225/75R16
- Product Code 312009142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 115
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 2,680
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.0 — 7.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 6.0
- Section Width (in.) 8.8
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 29.3
- Revs Per Mile 714
- Price $233.00
- Tire Size 265/65R17
- Product Code 150153601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 112
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,469
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.7
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 30.6
- Revs Per Mile 683
- Price $237.00
- Tire Size LT235/85R16
- Product Code 312036142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 120
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,042
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.0 — 7.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 6.5
- Section Width (in.) 9.3
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.7
- Revs Per Mile 659
- Price $240.00
Specs for Product Code 312067142:
- Tire Size LT275/65R18
- Product Code 312067142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 113
- Load Range C
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 2,535
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.3
- Revs Per Mile 651
- Price $243.00
Specs for Product Code 312011142:
- Tire Size LT275/65R18
- Product Code 312011142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 123
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,415
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.1
- Revs Per Mile 651
- Price $318.00
Specs for Product Code 150524601:
- Tire Size 255/70R18
- Product Code 150524601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 113
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,535
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.5 — 8.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.5
- Section Width (in.) 10.2
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.1
- Revs Per Mile 651
- Price $245.00
Specs for Product Code 150014574:
- Tire Size 255/70R18
- Product Code 150014574
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 116
- Load Range XL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 320/A/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,756
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.5 — 8.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.5
- Section Width (in.) 10.2
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.1
- Revs Per Mile 651
- Price $267.00
- Tire Size 265/60R18
- Product Code 150525601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 110
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,337
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.7
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 30.5
- Revs Per Mile 685
- Price $248.00
- Tire Size LT265/70R17
- Product Code 312014142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 121
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 8.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.7
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.7
- Revs Per Mile 659
- Price $253.00
- Tire Size 33X12.50R15LT
- Product Code 312020027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 108
- Load Range C
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 2,205
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 35
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 11.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 10.0
- Section Width (in.) 12.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.8
- Revs Per Mile 635
- Price $254.00
- Tire Size LT285/75R16
- Product Code 312035142
- Speed Rating P
- Load Index 126
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,750
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.3
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.1
- Revs Per Mile 637
- Price $257.00
- Tire Size LT245/75R17
- Product Code 312023027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 121
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.5 — 7.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.0
- Section Width (in.) 9.8
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.7
- Revs Per Mile 663
- Price $258.00
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Specs for Product Code 312068027:
- Tire Size LT275/70R18
- Product Code 312068027
- Speed Rating R
- Load Index 121
- Load Range D
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 65
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 8.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.2
- Revs Per Mile 630
- Price $264.00
Specs for Product Code 312065027:
- Tire Size LT275/70R18
- Product Code 312065027
- Speed Rating R
- Load Index 125
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,640
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 8.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.2
- Revs Per Mile 630
- Price $283.00
Specs for Product Code 312012142:
- Tire Size LT275/70R18
- Product Code 312012142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 125
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,640
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 8.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.4
- Revs Per Mile 630
- Price $313.00
- Tire Size 275/55R20
- Product Code 150008601
- Speed Rating T
- Load Index 113
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,535
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.5
- Section Width (in.) 11.2
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.9
- Revs Per Mile 655
- Price $270.00
- Tire Size 265/65R18
- Product Code 150644601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 114
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,601
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.7
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.5
- Revs Per Mile 663
- Price $272.00
- Tire Size 275/65R18
- Product Code 150638601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 116
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,756
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.1
- Revs Per Mile 651
- Price $276.00
- Tire Size LT235/80R17
- Product Code 312032142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 120
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,085
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 6.0 — 7.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 6.5
- Section Width (in.) 9.3
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.8
- Revs Per Mile 654
- Price $276.00
- Tire Size 275/60R20
- Product Code 150678601
- Speed Rating S
- Load Index 115
- Load Range SL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 500/B/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,679
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 51
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.0
- Revs Per Mile 633
- Price $277.00
- Tire Size 255/65R19
- Product Code 150012574
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 114
- Load Range XL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 320/A/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,601
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.5
- Section Width (in.) 10.2
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.1
- Revs Per Mile 652
- Price $296.00
Specs for Product Code 312015027:
- Tire Size LT285/70R17
- Product Code 312015027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 121
- Load Range D
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 65
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.5
- Section Width (in.) 11.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.0
- Revs Per Mile 638
- Price $309.00
Specs for Product Code 312052027:
- Tire Size LT285/70R17
- Product Code 312052027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 121
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.5
- Section Width (in.) 11.2
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.0
- Revs Per Mile 630
- Price $316.00
- Tire Size 255/60R20
- Product Code 150013574
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 113
- Load Range XL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 320/A/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,535
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 7.5
- Section Width (in.) 10.2
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 15
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.1
- Revs Per Mile 652
- Price $323.00
- Tire Size 255/55R20
- Product Code 150009601
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 110
- Load Range XL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 320/A/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,337
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.4
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 15
- Outside Diameter (in.) 31.3
- Revs Per Mile 674
- Price $326.00
- Tire Size LT295/70R17
- Product Code 312053142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 121
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 10.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.5
- Section Width (in.) 11.6
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.5
- Revs Per Mile 621
- Price $339.00
- Tire Size LT295/65R18
- Product Code 312024142
- Speed Rating P
- Load Index 127
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,860
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.0 — 10.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.5
- Section Width (in.) 11.8
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.1
- Revs Per Mile 624
- Price $346.00
- Tire Size 255/55R19
- Product Code 150884574
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 111
- Load Range XL
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG) 320/A/B
- Max Load (lbs) 2,403
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.0 — 9.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 10.4
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 16
- Outside Diameter (in.) 30.0
- Revs Per Mile 696
- Price $354.00
- Tire Size LT285/65R18
- Product Code 312058027
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 125
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Outlined Letters
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,640
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.0 — 10.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.5
- Section Width (in.) 11.2
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.8
- Revs Per Mile 634
- Price $357.00
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- Tire Size 35X12.50R18LT
- Product Code 312079142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 128
- Load Range F
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,970
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 11.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 10.0
- Section Width (in.) 12.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 34.5
- Revs Per Mile 605
- Price $360.00
- Tire Size LT315/70R17
- Product Code 312031142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 121
- Load Range D
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 50
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 10.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 9.5
- Section Width (in.) 12.7
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 34.4
- Revs Per Mile 607
- Price $367.00
- Tire Size 35X12.50R20LT
- Product Code 312080142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 125
- Load Range F
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,640
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 11.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 10.0
- Section Width (in.) 12.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 34.5
- Revs Per Mile 605
- Price $375.00
- Tire Size 35X12.50R17LT
- Product Code 312054142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 121
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 65
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 11.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 10.0
- Section Width (in.) 12.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 34.8
- Revs Per Mile 598
- Price $377.00
- Tire Size LT275/65R20
- Product Code 312025142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 126
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,750
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 7.5 — 9.5
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.0
- Section Width (in.) 11.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 34.1
- Revs Per Mile 610
- Price $388.00
- Tire Size 33X12.50R20LT
- Product Code 312064142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 114
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 2,600
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 65
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 11.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 10.0
- Section Width (in.) 12.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 32.8
- Revs Per Mile 634
- Price $413.00
- Tire Size LT285/60R20
- Product Code 312028142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 125
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,640
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.0 — 10.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 8.5
- Section Width (in.) 11.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.5
- Revs Per Mile 622
- Price $429.00
- Tire Size 37X12.50R20LT
- Product Code 312077142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 128
- Load Range F
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,970
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 11.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 10.0
- Section Width (in.) 12.5
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 36.5
- Revs Per Mile 572
- Price $430.00
- Tire Size LT305/55R20
- Product Code 312030142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 121
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,195
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 65
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 11.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 9.5
- Section Width (in.) 12.4
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 33.2
- Revs Per Mile 622
- Price $438.00
- Tire Size LT325/65R18
- Product Code 312016142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 127
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,860
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 65
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 9.0 — 12.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 9.5
- Section Width (in.) 13.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 34.8
- Revs Per Mile 597
- Price $439.00
- Tire Size LT325/60R20
- Product Code 312029142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 126
- Load Range E
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,750
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 65
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 9.0 — 12.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 9.5
- Section Width (in.) 13.0
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 35.6
- Revs Per Mile 584
- Price $466.00
- Tire Size 37X13.50R22LT
- Product Code 312078142
- Speed Rating Q
- Load Index 128
- Load Range F
- Sidewall Black
- Uniform Tire Quality Grade (UTQG)
- Max Load (lbs) 3,970
- Max Inflation Pressure (PSI) 80
- Approved Rim Width (in.) 8.5 — 11.0
- Measured Rim Width (in.) 11.0
- Section Width (in.) 13.6
- Tread Depth (in 32nds) 18
- Outside Diameter (in.) 36.5
- Revs Per Mile 572
- Price $470.00
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