Всесезонные, всепогодные шины Nokian WeatherProof отзывы, описание, фото, тест.
Всесезонные, всепогодные шины Nokian WeatherProof отзывы, описание, фото, тест.
- Описание Nokian Weatherproof
- Всесезонная шина Nokian Weatherproof SUV — тесты, отзывы, обзор
- Тест Nokian Weatherproof SUV от немецкого Auto Bild Allrad, проведенный в 2018 году
- Итоги теста
- Nokian Weatherproof — революционная всесезонная концепция
- Safe in the winter, precise in the summer
- Find the best tires for your car
- Beyond four seasons
- User opinions
- My review for
- Tyre sizes
- 155/70R13 75T
- Remember
- 165/70R13 79T
- Remember
- 175/70R13 82T
- Remember
- 155/65R14 75T
- Remember
- 165/65R14 79T
- Remember
- 165/70R14 81T
- Remember
- 175/65R14 82T
- Remember
- 175/70R14 84T
- Remember
- 185/60R14 82H
- Remember
- 185/65R14 86T
- Remember
- 175/65R15 84T
- Remember
- 185/55R15 82H
- Remember
- 185/60R15 88H XL
- Remember
- 185/65R15 88T
- Remember
- 185/65R15 92H XL
- Remember
- 195/50R15 82H
- Remember
- 195/55R15 85H
- Remember
- 195/60R15 88H
- Remember
- 195/65R15 91H
- Remember
- 195/65R15 91T
- Remember
- 205/65R15 94H
- Remember
- 195/55R16 87H
- Remember
- 205/55R16 91H
- Remember
- 205/55R16 91V Flat Run
- Remember
- 205/55R16 94V XL
- Remember
- 205/60R16 92H
- Remember
- 215/55R16 93H
- Remember
- 215/55R16 97V XL
- Remember
- 215/60R16 99H XL
- Remember
- 225/55R16 95V
- Remember
- 205/45R17 88V XL
- Remember
- 205/50R17 89V
- Remember
- 205/55R17 95V XL
- Remember
- 215/50R17 95V XL
- Remember
- 215/55R17 98V XL
- Remember
- 225/45R17 91V Flat Run
- Remember
- 225/45R17 94V XL
- Remember
- 225/50R17 98V XL
- Remember
- 225/55R17 97V
- Remember
- 235/45R17 94V
- Remember
- 235/55R17 103V XL
- Remember
- 225/40R18 92V XL
- Remember
- 225/45R18 95V XL
- Remember
- 235/45R18 98V XL
- Remember
- 245/40R18 97V XL
- Remember
- 245/45R18 100V XL
- Remember
- 245/40R19 98V XL
- Remember
- 255/40R19 100V XL
- Remember
- Tailored centre area
- Centre Block Channeling
- Nokian Tyres Satisfaction promise
- Nokian Weatherproof — Independent comparison tests
- 3rd place
- 3rd place
- 3rd place
- Commended
- Recommendable
- 3rd place «Recommendable»
- 3rd place «Recommendable»
- 3rd place «Recommendable»
- 3rd place «Good»
- 4th place «Satisfying»
- 4th place «Satisfying»
- 4th place «Satisfying»
- Testwinner
- 3rd place
- 2nd place
- Test winner «Highly recommendable»
- Test winner «Highly recommendable»
- 3rd place «Sufficient»
- 3rd place «Just recommendable»
- 3rd place «Just recommendable»
- 2nd place
- Test winner shared
- 95 % of reviewers recommend our products
- 🎬 Видео
Видео:Nokian Weatherproof всесезонная шина от Nokian Tyres - 4 точки. Шины и диски 4точки - Wheels & TyresСкачать
Описание Nokian Weatherproof
Финские всесезонные шины Nokian Weatherproof для легковых, легко-грузовых автомобилей, микроавтобусов, паркетников и внедорожников. Всепогодная резина от всемирно известного производителя.
Покрышка Нокиан Везерпруф сделанная из уникального состава резиновой смеси, который включает в себя качественный, натуральный каучук и повышенное содержание силики. Специальные присадки делают шину еще более адаптивной к температурным режимам. Она остается мягкой, даже при температуре -20 и не расплывается в летнею жару.
Шина проектировалась под эксплуатацию в зимнее время и межсезонье, плюс дополнительно производитель допускает эксплуатацию шины в летнее время.
Резина Nokian Weatherproof имеет направленный, агрессивный рисунок протектора. Центральная часть исполнена в виде отдельных клинков с большим количеством зигзагообразных ламелей. Они отвечают за проходимость на заснеженной дороге, а также за улучшенную курсовую устойчивость на всех типах покрытия.
Массивные плечевые зоны с продольными ламелями способствуют удержанию автомобиля на высоких скоростях, а также обеспечивают достойную проходимость на легком бездорожье.
Как и полагается всепогодной шине, Нокиан Везерпруф имеет хорошо развитую дренажную систему, которая эффективно справляется с большим количеством воды и талого снега. Компания перенесла проверенные технологии дренажных систем из зимних покрышек на эту модель.
Смотрите другие модели покрышек от компании Nokian в разделе: шины Нокиан отзывы.
Видео:Всесезонная резина - кому она подойдет и сколько денег сэкономит?Скачать
Всесезонная шина Nokian Weatherproof SUV — тесты, отзывы, обзор
Nokian Weatherproof SUV — всесезонная шина премиум-класса с направленным рисунком протектора для кроссоверов и внедорожников.
Видео:Nokian Weatherproof - Всесезонная шина для Центральной Европы - 4 точки. Шины и диски 4точкиСкачать
Тест Nokian Weatherproof SUV от немецкого Auto Bild Allrad, проведенный в 2018 году
В 2018 году эксперты немецкого издания Auto Bild Allrad провели тест всесезонной шины Нокиан Везер Пруф СУВ в размере 235/60 R18 и сравнили её с пятью аналогичными покрышками бюджетного, среднего и премиум класса. Для наглядности результатов в тесте также приняли участие две шины класса All Terrain для смешанных условий эксплуатации, а также неназванные зимняя и летняя покрышки.
Видео:Шины бу 225 40 R18 Nokian Weatherproof - 0018487FAL1VIDСкачать
Итоги теста
По итогам теста Nokian Weather Proof SUV разделила третье место с голландской Vredestein.
Один из лучших результатов шина показала на мокром асфальте: у неё оказалась самая высокая устойчивость к аквапланированию, хорошая управляемость и относительно короткий тормозной путь. На сухом асфальте поведение немного хуже: управляемость чуть ниже среднего, а отставание в длине тормозного пути от лучших всесезонок составило более одного метра.
На снегу поведение Nokian неоднозначно: у покрышки лучшее торможение среди прямых конкурентов и неплохая управляемость, а вот боковая устойчивость и тяговое усилие (несмотря на агрессивный рисунок протектора), оказались худшими среди всесезонных моделей.
Что касается эксплуатационных характеристик, шина обеспечивает средний уровень шума и топливной экономичности.
Дисциплина | Место | Комментарий | |
Торможение на сухом асфальте | 6 | Разница в длине тормозного пути с: а) летней шиной (лидером теста) — длиннее на 4,6 метра; б) ближайшей всесезонной шиной — длиннее на 4,2 метра | |
Управляемость на сухом асфальте | 2 | Разница в скорости прохождения трассы с: а) летней шиной (лидером теста) — меньше на 1,1 км/ч; б) лучшей всесезонной шиной — меньше на 0,9 км/ч. | |
Торможение на мокром асфальте | 5 | Разница в длине тормозного пути с: а) летней шиной — длиннее на 0,6м; б) лучшей всесезонной шиной (лидером теста) — длиннее на 1,1м. | |
Управляемость на мокром асфальте | 4 | Средняя скорость прохождения трассы на 2,3 км/ч меньше, чем у лучшей всесезонной шины (лидера теста). | |
Боковая устойчивость на мокром асфальте | 4 | Разница во времени прохождения круга с: а) летней шиной (лидером теста) — дольше на 0,44 сек; б) лучшей всесезонной шиной — дольше на 0,28 сек. | |
Продольное аквапланирование | 4 | Один из лучших результатов. Скорость всплытия автомобиля на 2.8км/ч выше, чем у ближайшей всесезонной шины. | |
Торможение на снегу | 2 | Лучший результат среди всесезонных шин. Разница в длине тормозного пути с: а) зимней шиной (лидером теста) — длиннее на 0,8 метра; б) ближайшей всесезонной шиной — короче на 0,6 метра. | |
Управляемость на снегу | 5 | Разница в средней скорости прохождения круга с: а) зимней шиной (лидером теста) — меньше на 1,6 км/ч; б) лучшей всесезонной шиной — меньше на 0,8 км/ч. | |
Слалом на снегу | 8 | Худший результат среди всесезонных шин. Разница в максимальном боковом ускорении с: а) зимней шиной (лидером теста) — меньше на 0,56м/с2; б) лучшей всесезонной шиной — меньше на 0,25 м/с2. | |
Тяга на снегу | 7 | Разница в среднем тяговом усилии с: а) зимней шиной (лидером теста) — меньше на 204Н; б) лучшей всесезонной шиной — меньше на 74Н. | |
Шум | 6 | Уровень шума на 1,3 дБ(А) выше, чем у лучшей всесезонной шины. |
Отзыв экспертов, проводивших тест:
Шина эффективно тормозит на снегу и мокром асфальте, а также обеспечивает высокую устойчивость к аквапланированию. Среди недостатков — относительно длинный тормозной путь на сухой дороге и слабая боковая устойчивость на снегу.
Список протестированных шин:
Видео:Всесезонные шины - преимущества и недостаткиСкачать
Nokian Weatherproof — революционная всесезонная концепция
Nokian Weatherproof — атмосферостойкая всесезонная модель, обеспечивающая ездовой комфорт и безопасность на протяжении всего года. Предназначена для эксплуатации на современных легковых автомобилях, внедорожниках (Weatherproof SUV) и микроавтобусах (Weatherproof C), владельцы которых нуждаются в надёжных шинах в зимний и переходные периоды, но при этом также хотят эффективно и без особых усилий ездить в летнее время.
Универсальная всепогодная модель Nokian Weatherproof (Нокиан Вэзерпруф) является зимней шиной с отличными характеристиками сцепления. В то же время, это также и летняя шина с идеальным поведением в условиях жаркого лета. Она гораздо безопаснее и более универсальная, чем типичные всесезонные шины. Символ снежинки на боковине покрышки официально доказывает, что шина подходит для зимнего использования.
Дизайн протектора «Wheather proof»
Каждый миллиметр агрессивного рисунка протектора шины Nokian Weatherproof играет определённую роль. Резкая геометрия блоков центральной части протектора обеспечивает первоклассное сцепление на заснеженных и мокрых дорогах, отмечает технический специалист Shina.Guide. Похожие на топор V-образные блоки протектора гарантируют надёжный контакт с заснеженными трассами.
Множество ламелей и разнообразие шашек протектора образуют большое количество кромок зацепления для дальнейшего улучшения сцепления. Клиноподобные подъёмы между плечевыми и центральными блоками повышают точность рулевого управления, а также сцепление на снегу.
Центральные направленные блоки, повышающие сцепление на снегу
Открытые и глубокие каналы центральных блоков увеличивают сцепление в экстремальных зимних условиях. Работают эти каналы на полную мощность и в условиях повышенной влажности. Они молниеносно отводят талый снег и воду от из пятна контакта, эффективно предотвращая аквапланирование и слашпланинг.
Хорошая устойчивость шины Weatherproof аквапланированию обусловлена наличием ускоряющих удаление воды и слякоти стильных полированных канавок.
Зоны жёсткости, повышающие точность управления на сухой поверхности
Внутренние тесты компании Nokian показали, что Nokian Weatherproof легко и точно катятся даже по выжженному солнцем сухому асфальту. Жёсткие плечевые блоки обеспечивают стабильность вождения на высоких скоростях, а также быстрое торможение на мокрой поверхности.
Полированные канавки, ускоряющие водоотвод во влажных условиях
Широкий температурный диапазон от десятков градусов ниже нуля до палящего зноя в летнюю жару, в котором должны работать шины Nokian Weatherproof, привёл к созданию новой всепогодной резиновой смеси, позволяющей шинам эффективно работать при различной температуре.
Присутствующая в составе резинового компаунда силика нового поколения обеспечивает дополнительное «мокрое» сцепление, а также способствует снижению сопротивления качению и расхода топлива.
Линейка шин семейства Nokian Wheatherproof
Тщательно отобранные и проверенные конструктивные решения обеспечили шинам Nokian Weatherproof баланс эксплуатационных свойств. Плотная упаковка нейлоновых брекеров в плечевых зонах ограничивает смещение и деформацию блоков протектора, что повышает точность реакций на команды руля во время высокоскоростного прохождения поворотов или изменения полосы движения.
Видео:Мишлен против Нокиан, про старение шинСкачать
Safe in the winter, precise in the summer
Видео:NOKIAN OUTPOST AT. Нокиан Аутпост после 8000 км. Лучшая резина для отпуска 4WD!Скачать
Find the best tires for your car
Видео:Nokian Weatherproof SUV Tyres - Volvo XC90Скачать
Beyond four seasons
The Nokian Weatherproof product family offers first class safety and durability for year-round use. All of the sizes have the Snowflake symbol (3PMSF), which indicates that the tyres have been officially approved for winter use.
User opinions
Rated 3.7 based on 110 customer reviews
My review for
Видео:New Nokian Weatherproof, all-weather tyres for Central EuropeСкачать
Tyre sizes
155/70R13 75T
max load 387 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
165/70R13 79T
max load 437 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
175/70R13 82T
max load 475 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
155/65R14 75T
max load 387 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
165/65R14 79T
max load 437 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
165/70R14 81T
max load 462 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
175/65R14 82T
max load 475 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
175/70R14 84T
max load 500 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
185/60R14 82H
max load 475 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
185/65R14 86T
max load 530 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
175/65R15 84T
max load 500 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
185/55R15 82H
max load 475 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
185/60R15 88H XL
max load 560 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
185/65R15 88T
max load 560 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
185/65R15 92H XL
max load 630 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
195/50R15 82H
max load 475 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
195/55R15 85H
max load 515 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
195/60R15 88H
max load 560 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
195/65R15 91H
max load 615 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
195/65R15 91T
max load 615 kg, up to 190 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
205/65R15 94H
max load 670 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
195/55R16 87H
max load 545 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
205/55R16 91H
max load 615 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
205/55R16 91V Flat Run
max load 615 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
205/55R16 94V XL
max load 670 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
205/60R16 92H
max load 630 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
215/55R16 93H
max load 650 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
215/55R16 97V XL
max load 730 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
215/60R16 99H XL
max load 775 kg, up to 210 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
225/55R16 95V
max load 690 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
205/45R17 88V XL
max load 560 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
205/50R17 89V
max load 580 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
205/55R17 95V XL
max load 690 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
215/50R17 95V XL
max load 690 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
215/55R17 98V XL
max load 750 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
225/45R17 91V Flat Run
max load 615 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
225/45R17 94V XL
max load 670 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
225/50R17 98V XL
max load 750 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
225/55R17 97V
max load 730 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
235/45R17 94V
max load 670 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
235/55R17 103V XL
max load 875 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
225/40R18 92V XL
max load 630 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
225/45R18 95V XL
max load 690 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
235/45R18 98V XL
max load 750 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
245/40R18 97V XL
max load 730 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
245/45R18 100V XL
max load 800 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
245/40R19 98V XL
max load 750 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
255/40R19 100V XL
max load 800 kg, up to 240 km/h
Show EU labels Hide EU labels
- When selecting a tyre, always choose one that matches your usage in the best possible way. In addition to the three characteristics, there are a number of other factors related to safety, performance, and the environment that tyre developers and testers take into account.
- Although the new label makes it easier to compare tyre models, you should also support your decision by consulting the following, for example tyre retail experts or independent magazine test articles.
- The wet grip rating for a tyre does not indicate how suitable the tyre is for the real winter weather. Instead, it may be misleading and endanger traffic safety. In demanding and varying winter conditions, the most important safety characteristics for tyres are ice grip and snow grip.
Видео:какие шины делает бывший завод НокианСкачать
The right tire choice can improve the car’s safety and driving comfort and increase its operating range even further. Our comprehensive product range of over 400 tires offers unique grip and Scandinavian peace of mind. We have high-quality winter and summer tires especially developed and tested for use on electric cars.
Видео:Обзор шин после первого летнего сезона Nokian Nordman SX3Скачать
Tailored centre area
Excellent winter grip
The steep surface geometry of the centre area has been carefully optimised to ensure excellent grip on snowy and wet roads. The axe-like V-shaped tread blocks firmly grip the snowy road. The heavy siping and the grading of the tread blocks add more gripping edges and further improve grip. The wedge-like rises between the centre and shoulder blocks strengthen the precise steering feel and excellent grip on snow.
Видео:New Nokian Weatherproof, all weather tyres for Central EuropeСкачать
Centre Block Channeling
Extreme grip, effective slushplaning prevention
The deep and open channels on the centre blocks increase grip under extreme winter conditions. The channels effectively push slush and water away from between the tyre and the road, which effectively prevents slushplaning and aquaplaning.
Видео:Copy of Nokian Weatherproof intro video 2015Скачать
Nokian Tyres Satisfaction promise
Courtesy of any Nokian Tyres retailer participating in this special programme: If you aren’t happy with your new Nokian Tyres, you may swap them to another set free of charge.
Видео:Как тестируют шины NokianСкачать
Nokian Weatherproof — Independent comparison tests
3rd place
Commended for top snow performance. Positive feedback regarding low fuel consumption.
3rd place
TCS August 2020
Commended for top snow performance. Positive feedback regarding low fuel consumption.
3rd place
ÖAMTC August 2020
Commended for top snow performance. Positive feedback regarding low fuel consumption.
Auto Express June special issue — Annual Product Awards issue
Great Britain
The tire was winner in the dry, coming second in the wet and finishing third accross the snow tests.
ACE Lenkrad (and ARBÖ/GTÜ) 10/2019
All-rounder in all three main disciplines and very close to the winter reference tire on snow-covered roads.
3rd place «Recommendable»
ACE Lenkrad 10/2019
All-rounder in all three main disciplines and very close to the winter reference tire on snow-covered roads.
3rd place «Recommendable»
All-rounder in all three main disciplines and very close to the winter reference tire on snow-covered roads.
3rd place «Recommendable»
All-rounder in all three main disciplines and very close to the winter reference tire on snow-covered roads.
3rd place «Good»
Very good perfomance on snow and a very good safety margin at aquaplaning. Fuel efficient rolling resistance.
4th place «Satisfying»
The best on snow and very good on wet. Also praised for low wear.
4th place «Satisfying»
Excellent properties on snow and wet surface. Also is characterized by low wear.
4th place «Satisfying»
The tyre has great handling characteristics on snow and very good on wet roads. It has a low degree of wear.
Automobilismo 10/2017
And the winner is … On snow the most comprehensive tyre is without any doubt the Nokian, very close to the performance of pure winter tyres…” “Taking into account all test criteria of the test, especially steering feedback and rolling resistance, a factor influencing fuel consumption, the Winner is the Nokian.
3rd place
Excellent snow properties, good wet grip and low noise level.
2nd place
Auto Express 11/2016
Great Britain
The tyre excelled especially on snow but also topped the tables in both longitudinal and lateral aquaplaning tests. In both dry and wet braking, it was ranked second in the line-up. Particularly effective in the key braking test.
Test winner «Highly recommendable»
ARBÖ All-season tyre test 2016
Outstanding winter performance. Great wet performance all-round, good dry characteristics and very good rolling resistance.
Test winner «Highly recommendable»
ACE Lenkrad 9/2016
Outstanding winter performance. Great wet performance all-round, good dry characteristics and very good rolling resistance.
3rd place «Sufficient»
3rd place «Just recommendable»
3rd place «Just recommendable»
2nd place
Best traction and braking on snow. Good and well balanced performance on dry. Good wet braking. Very good aquaplaning properties.
Test winner shared
Very balanced performance characteristics on dry and wet surfaces. Top spot in all snow tests. A tyre that offers a high level of safety. Very good dry braking. Very nice neutral balance on wet.
Auto Zeitung 22/2015, All Season tyre test 2015
Best performance on snow and wet asphalt. The quietest — highest score in the noise test. “Nokian is the fastest and most stable tyre in the test on snow.” Highest score with slush. “Highest safety with aquaplaning, short braking distances, good wet grip, safe driving properties on the wet road. “Exact steering, reliable driving behaviour – that makes the Nokian fast on dry surfaces.”
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