Carla Tsukinami (月浪 カルラ Tsukinami Karura) is the First Blood King. He is also the elder brother of the founding demons (the ancestor race of all the demon kinds in the Demon World). He is the first son of Krone and Giesbach, the former First Blood king.
Видео:Карл Цукинами и Чин ЦукинамиСкачать
Видео:Биография Тсукинами Шин,Тсукинами Карл. Дьявольские возлюбленныеСкачать
Carla is a tall, slender young man with white hair that has dark purple-brown fringes at the tips. He has sharp golden eyes that somewhat resemble those of a snake. He wears a black scarf with crests embroidered on it; the scarf covers the bottom portion of his face and is wrapped around his shoulders and draped along his arms. He also wears white gloves. His school uniform consists of the black school jacket with a black button-up shirt with a sort of bow tie or cravat on the collar. He wears it with the dark uniform pants with a white belt and black boots that have crests similar to the ones on his scarf.
Видео:Карла и Шин Тсукинами(BLACK FAER)(Скачать
The First Blood who possesses both intelligence and reason. However, he hides a secret sadistic violence underneath that. Within his long lifespan, he has a lazy and calm character.
He enjoys prolonging the agony of his victims, and even though he can match Karlheinz in power, he prefers not to attack directly, but take his time to play mind games with his opponents (which is usually the main reason for disagreement between him and his younger brother Shin, who is more hotheaded). Carla usually doesn’t underestimate his opponents, unlike Shin.
Carla has a very strong sense of duty to his race and to his family, even though he had serious issues with them. He also has an immense pride as a First Blood, but even he would put his race’s future above his pride.
Carla can appear cold, mysterious and very hard to read. He can even pretend to be friendly in certain occasions, but behind that he hides a huge dose of cruelty and usually is all part of his mind games with his victims. He doesn’t do anything without a good reason which is all part of his plan to get revenge for the destruction of his kind on Karlheinz, who he blames for it.
He is very cruel, sadistic, and humiliating as he brutally tortures the heroine in order to not only purify her blood from the vampire virus that is tainting it and preventing his plans to move forward, but also to break her emotional bonds with the vampires. He tries to push her to absolute despair and break her completely in order to be able to then become her only hope and only “light” and to be easier for him to reach his goals, which are to mate with her and restore his race.
He usually plays the antagonistic role in most of the other character’s routes in DARK FATE. Carla will not take «no» for an answer whenever he orders anyone to do his bidding.
When he gets angry or people constantly defy him, Carla could easily kill them without hesitation or torture them so they would suffer for eternity. He is a sadist, but not to the point of losing control.
But underneath his cruel personality, Carla has a soft side that he rarely shows. This has been evidenced in the further scenes in his DARK FATE route, wherein one scene he accompanies Yui to the Banmaden gardens and that her presence is the one that made him show his softness. Yui’s influence with him forced him to change his ways towards vampires and humans (yet he still hates vampires to a degree) and that she was also the one who changed his mindset of taking revenge.
Видео:Шин и Карла ТсукинамиСкачать
Alongside his younger brother Shin, Carla is one of the last two remaining members of the founders’ bloodline. He had been trapped in the Demon World for several thousands of years without any means of getting out. However, because of the Lunar Eclipse that occurred in both Human and Demon world, Karlheinz’s powers that kept the barrier around the castle have weakened and with the help of Carla’s magic, Carla and Shin were able to escape the Demon World, and look for a survivor of the First Blood race. They set out to find the last survivor whose heart had been discovered in a human girl named Yui Komori.
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The First Blood races became extinct because of a virus named «Endzeit» («End Time» when translated from German). The virus targets only the original first race in the demon world (however later Karlheinz fears it is a matter of time until it spreads to the sub-races after mutating).
Carla tries to hide from his brother that during his fight with his father, he was infected too with the Endzeit and is also slowly dying, trying to hold on, which prevents him from using his full potential of power which is above even Karlheinz’s.
Видео:Тсукинами Карла и Шин–BLACK FAERСкачать
Shin Tsukinami
Carla’s younger brother. He is very mischievous, and sometimes Carla gets annoyed by his antics when they are not doing anything related to their mission. It was stated in the Dark Fate game that Carla bowed to the Demon Lord to spare Shin’s life after he had done something wrong, and in exchange, he accepted the offer of the Demon Lord to take his left eye instead.
In their respective routes, they were both cruel and sadistic. They threaten Yui and the Sakamaki and Mukami families, and forced her to live with them. However, in Carla’s route, Shin was his assistant. He was constantly being ordered around and Shin didn’t want that.
In the end, they battled it out to see who was fit to be the next king of First Bloods, but because of the fatal blow dealt by Richter on Yui, they reconciled and decided to just help each other form the First Blood clan once more.
Carla often thought that Giesbach was an ideal king until he started going mad. As a child, he always sought to be loved and cared for by his father as his father did his brother. Sadly, Giesbach feared the fact that Carla had the potential to be better than even him and may one day take his throne. In response to this, Giesbach often abused Carla both verbally and physically. During their fights, Giesbach would often stab him, thus resulting in multiple scars all over Carla’s body. But despite all that, Carla still respected his father, believing his father was doing what was best.
No matter what his father said he would always abide out of respect and wanting to earn his father’s approval. However, Carla’s stubborn actions backfired on him and further agitated Giesbach instead, to the point where he went mad wanted Carla dead. This made him send Carla to lead the war against Karlheinz in hopes that Carla and Karlheinz will kill each other.
One of Carla’s said actions and attempts are shown when Giesbach demands Carla throw Krone, his own mother, into the dungeons. Carla hesitated until Giesbach harshly prompted him again and Carla then abides.
Krone and Carla had always had a close and tight bond. He never wanted her to worry about him or be sad. Krone would always put her sons before even her own feelings. She had even stood up to her husband, Carla and Shin’s son to save Carla’s future. Even at the verge of Endzeit Krone defended her family, telling Giesbach that he should not believe in Karlheinz. Eventually, that pleading led to her worsening condition (he punched her in front of Carla) and was imprisoned on the dungeons. Carla cared for his mother so much to the point that he defended her side and was also one of the reasons he fought with his father. In the end. Krone had no choice and because she couldn’t save Giesbach, even though she loves him so much, she had asked Carla to kill him off with a knife that’s doused with her infected blood.
Yui Komori
Yui, as she bears the heart of one of the survivors of the First Blood clan, was chased by Carla and his brother in order to continue their bloodline through her. Carla treated her rather harshly at the beginning, daring to even hurt her or kill her every time he refuses his orders or she does what she wants without his knowledge. Even during the «purification» process, he gets mad at her for trying to refuse him. Eventually, he realized that kind of approach was wrong, and there was nothing he can benefit from gaining revenge on Karlheinz, as he was more focused on building his bloodline. This is also the part that he finally warms up to her in his route in the Dark Fate game, thinking that humans, even if they are fragile and innocent, still possess that knowledge and confidence. Carla is greatly amused by the amount of courage Yui had every time she was with him, that he unknowingly became attracted to her and fell in love eventually.
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Видео:carla tsukinami ~я помню чудное мгновение ~Скачать
As a founder, he has the ability to transform into a wolf, snake, bat and an eagle.
He, however, never uses these, even though he possesses the highest level of magic which makes him extremely powerful. And if he wasn’t sick from the Endzeit, he probably would have been more powerful than Karlheinz.
He possesses all the basic racial skills of the 4 sub-races (has all the vampire, werewolf, snake, and eagle demon’s skills).
He is able to use magic, but he has only used it twice when he showed it to his father Giesbach and then the 2nd one in one of the Dark Fate tokuten CDs scaring Subaru and Kou for not following his rules. After that, Carla never used his magic abilities unless if he deems it useful/worth enough to use against (like what he did to Yuma in his DARK FATE prologue after the latter escaped with Yui).
Another showcase of his abilities is during the entirety of his Versus CD with Ayato, where he constantly put on magical traps to keep Ayato away from the listener while he was taking her hostage. In another track he also showed his magical prowess to Ayato when he ran away with the listener (by hitting them with lightning). He is also able to demonstrate teleportation, as he appeared to get the listener after she was taken by Ayato, and then leaving him behind.
He can summon familiars and order them around. His only weakness is the Endzeit — he got from his father during their duel for the throne.
Видео:shin tsukinami-bad boyСкачать
Шин Цукинами
Глупый младший брат (очень редко от Карлы),
Одноглазая Паскуда/Одноглазый хмырь (от Юмы)
17 лет (по человеческим меркам),
Несколько сотен лет (предположительно)
Студент престижной академии «Рётэй», обучающийся на втором году
Корделия (кузина, дочь Мёне)
Аято (племянник, сын Корделии)
Канато (племянник, сын Корделии)
Лайто (племянник, сын Корделии)
Когда его мнение учитывают
Когда его ни во что не ставят
Токоротен (блюдо в японской кухне, готовят из агарофитов)
Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate (пролог)
Морикубо Сетаро (Showtaro Morikubo)
Шин Цукинами — второй сын Кроне и Гисбаха, короля прародителей, младший брат Карлы Цукинами. Весьма заносчив ввиду того, что наряду с Карлой является представителем рода основателей всех остальных рас мира Демонов.
Шин — прародитель с очень садистским характером. Он получает удовольствие от чужих страданий и боли. Он взирает на всех свысока, кроме своего брата. Шин любит шутки, часто мучает и унижает героиню. Он также любит поступать так, чтобы та чувствовала себя неловко.
Шин обычно следует приказам своего старшего брата Карлы, кого он боится и уважает, однако часто бывает слишком вспыльчивым и бросается действовать, в то время как его брат предпочитает все продумывать. Шин часто недооценивают своих противников, из-за чего попадает в серьезные неприятности (к примеру, в Dark Fate в тёмной ветке Канато Шин убит им, несмотря на огромную разницу в уровне их полномочий и силы).
Видео:Карла и шин цукинамиСкачать
Вопреки всем мифам, Шин любил маму. Сначала был обижен на нее, за то что та спланировала план убийства отца и за то, что его в этот план не посвятили, НО потом он ее прощает. В детстве также всегда любил маму. [Смотрите флешбэки с LE]
Корделия узнает о существовании кузенов в игре Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE, будучи воскрешенной ими при помощи магии. Корделия и Аято были нужны братьям как способ отомстить Королю Вампиров за победу, одержанную над ними в войне.
Не совсем понимая намерений брата, Шин требует от женщины молчать и подчиняться, на что Корделия отвечает непослушанием. В свою очередь, Карла терпелив, потому как уверен в успехе плана.
Позже старший Цукинами рассказывает Аято и Корделии про Прародителей, в число которых входит и дочь Повелителя Демонов. Аято интересуется, является ли он носителем первой крови. Карла говорит, что дети Корделии обычные вампиры.
Карла Цукинами
Он уважает своего старшего брата, нынешнего короля, но не планирует постоянно жить в его тени и ждёт момента, чтобы доказать Карле свою силу. Он восхищается Карлой, но при этом глубоко обижается на него, скрывая это до последнего момента, пока не приходит убеждение, что у него есть шанс выиграть. Шин также хорошо понимает брата и заботится о нем.
Юи Комори
Получение Юи для него не только означает, что он продолжит род прародителей, но и победу перед братом. Однако, зная силы своего брата, он делает это тайно и тщательно.
Карла и Шин хотят отомстить ему за победу, одержанную над ними в войне. Ненавидел Карлхайнца, так как думал, что он виноват в смерти Гисбаха.
Видео:Карла Тсукинами - СнегириСкачать
Интересные факты
Лидером Вампиров в его руте является Субару.
Член семьи Орэндж [Orange], состоящей также из Руки, Аято и Канато. Его шахматная фигура – конь♞.
- Из-за того, что Шин — прародитель, он свысока смотрит на другие расы. Как прародитель имеет способности всех остальных четырех рас Мира Демонов.
- Вежлив, если не злить его.
- В одной из концовок Dark Fate Шин принимает Юи после того, как её изнасиловал Рихтер.
- Шин любит долго принимать ванну.
- Шин чистоплотен. Он заботится о своем теле. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- Ему противно лечь спать, не почистив зубы. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- Предпочитает порядок в вещах. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- Всегда спит на своей половине кровати. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- В [DL DF] использовал Юи в качестве щелкунчика орехов, раскалывая грецкие орехи её зубами, но после издевался над ней и говорил, что не будет есть ничего, что побывало в её рту.
- Ему нравится, когда девушки говорят «спасибо».
- Шину не нравятся искусственные меха. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- Ему нравятся аксессуары-цепочки. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- В образе волка Шину трудно удержаться, чтобы не побежать за катящимся шариком. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- Иногда во сне он может ненарочно превратиться в волка и свернуться в клубочек. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- Ему нравится спать в образе волка. [интервью в честь 5th Anniversary Project]
- Шину нравится пить кровь с голени.
- В [DL LP в сценке с Рейджи] Шин и Сакамаки спорят, кто из них сможет определить вид чая, не пробуя его. Юи переживала, ведь чаи — тема Рейджи. Послушав заваренный чай, оба демона указали на разные упаковки. Оказалось, что победил Шин, ведь его обоняние лучше вампирского.
- Достаточно много времени проводит со своими фамильярами: гуляет с ними, спит с ними, играет с ними, купает их и т.п. [twitter, cd]
- Ему нравятся вещи, которые можно бить (например, груша для битья).
- Часто наступает на шарф Карлы. [ответ Карлы на вопрос в twitter]
- На вопрос о том, что ему нравится в девушках, он ответил — выражение лица. Ему нравится видеть, когда его бояться.
- Шину нравится Рождество.
- Он собирает дисконтные карты, но т.к. часто забывает про них, постоянно заводит новые. [интервью в честь выхода его CD-драмы ZERO]
- Судя по тому, что его удивили маленькие дома в Японии, и он отметил, что ему с братом будет душно, Шин не любит тесные помещения.
- Его любимое число — 28. [ответ на вопрос в twitter]
- Считает некоторые картинки Карлы пустой тратой денег.
- Судя по всему, он занимается средствами в семье.
- Имеет подработку на неполный день.
- Никогда не мыл посуду, поэтому когда Юи дала ему такое задание, он просто побил тарелки (не нарочно). [LP Date with Tsukinami]
- Когда ему, Аято и Юме подкинули записки с вопросами, он сказал, что они не должны показывать гневной реакции, т.к. этого и добивался отправитель. [twitter]
- Юи спросила у Карлы, когда д/р у Шина, и тот ответил ей. В свой д/р Шин нашел какие-то орехи, которые не от Юи, но и не от Карлы, ведь «брата же не волнует мой д/р, верно?» — они от Карлы. [twitter]
- Шин увидел Сакамаки в тц, и когда Рейджи накричал на Лайто, он подумал: «Хорошо, что мой брат не такой». [twitter 14.02.2016]
- Не любит тесную одежду. [LP Shin Final]
- Не любит арахисовый соус. [special drama: “seize the founder! ー vampires seeking comfort”]
- Намного младше Карлы. Когда Шин родился, Карла уже был в отроческом периоде. [LE Ecstasy epilogue]
- Свежие записи
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- Из чего состоит стойка амортизатора передняя
- Чем стянуть пружину амортизатора без стяжек
- Для чего нужны амортизаторы в автомобиле
- Правообладателям
- Политика конфиденциальности
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Шин и Карла Тсукинами (см. описание)Скачать
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