«Нестареющая классика» – если такое определение применимо к мотоциклу, то это про Yamaha SR400. Модель появилась в 1978 году и находится в производственном цикле по сей день с минимальными изменениями в конструкции! К запуску этого продукта компанию подтолкнула… идея традиционного японского минимализма: SR400 стал мотоциклом-манифестом Yamaha, принципиально простым во всем, своего рода протестом против нововведений и инноваций – и в этом его особенность.
Показать полностью. 1-цилиндровый двигатель воздушного охлаждения мощностью 24 л.с. с сухим картером (масло находится в раме) с первого дня – и до сего момента заводится с помощью кик-стартера (электростратер в качестве опции появился только в 2010 году). Первая серия (1978- 1984) оснащалась передним дисковым тормозом, но вторую версию в 1985 году стали комплектовать барабанным тормозом для большей аутентичности; только в 2001 году произошел возврат к дисковому тормозу, также мотоцикл получил новую выпускную систему, чтобы соответствовать экологическим нормативам. Переход на новейшие эко-нормы в 2010 году заставил компанию перевести мотоцикл на инжекторную систему питания, но это позволило сертифицировать байк для Европы, так что с 2014 года он стал доступен в лимитированной редакции и для европейских фанатов ретробайков. С 2010 по 2021 год мотоцикл производился без каких-либо изменений. В этом году производство SR400 было решено завершить, так что финальная модель получила юбилейный шильдик на бензобаке и особое имя – Yamaha SR400 Final Edition. SR400 во все времена пользовался особой популярностью среди кастомайзеров. На его базе созданы тысячи кастомов, особенно, в Японии.
#Yamaha #YamahaRussia #RevsYourHeart
- Overview
- Basic Company Information
- Sales ( from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 )
- Sales Profile ( Consolidated )
- by Region
- by Product Category
- Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members ( As of March 24, 2021 )
- YA-1 Motorcycle
- The YD1 Motorcycle
- Yamaha’s First Outboard Motor
- World Grand Prix, RND 3
- Yamaha Collaborates with Toyota
- Yamalube Brand is Introduced
- Yamaha’s First Snowmobile
- Yamaha’s first 4-stroke motorcycle
- Daytona 200 Victory
- The SR433
- YZ Monocross Beginnings
- The SRX440 Snowmobile
- Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. is founded
- Golf Cars are introduced in the USA
- Yamaha Develops YICS
- Cypress, CA
- The Virago 750 Cruiser
- The FZ750 motorcycle
- The V-Max 1200 Musclebike
- Newnan, GA
- Yamaha introduces personal watercraft
- 📺 Видео
Yamaha Motor CIS запись закреплена
Рядная «тройка» – одна из любимых схем ДВС инженеров Yamaha. Среди всех японских производителей техники для активного отдыха компания Yamaha Motor – единственная, широко использующая 3-цилиндровые двигатели. Рядная компоновка и нечётное число цилиндров делают эти моторы уникальными: они легче и компактнее, чем рядные «четвёрки», в их конструкции примерно на 20% меньше деталей (а, значит, меньше потери на трении и ниже расход топлива), 3-цилиндровые двигатели способны развивать высокие обороты (выше, чем 2-цилиндровые моторы) и при этом обладают лучшей производительностью на «низах», чем 4-цилиндровые силовые установки. Именно поэтому компания Yamaha использует рядные «тройки» в мотоциклах, гидроциклах, снегоходах, мотовездеходах, подвесных лодочных моторах и даже мощных дизельных генераторах.
#Yamaha #YamahaRussia #RevsYourHeart
Yamaha Motor CIS запись закреплена
А знали ли вы, что в некоторых моделях американской марки Ford использовались двигатели производства компании Yamaha? Не секрет, что моторы Yamaha Motor – одни из лучших в мире, что признают такие авторитетные автопроизводители, как концерны Toyota, Volvo и Ford. И если про знаменитые рядные «шестёрки» Toyota серии JZ и про V-образную «восьмёрку» Volvo B8444S, разработанные совместно с Yamaha Motor, слышали многие, то атмосферный V6, созданный для компании Ford, нередко остаётся в тени.
Показать полностью. В начале 80-х годов прошлого века американский автопроизводитель №1 обратился к руководству компании Yamaha с просьбой разработать компактный 6-цилиндровый V-образный двигатель. По контракту, подписанному в 1984 году, предполагалось, что новая силовая установка будет использоваться в шасси среднемоторного спортивного купе Ford, получившего производственный индекс GN34. За несколько лет японские инженеры создали высокопроизводительный 3-литровый V6, известный под именем SHO (от аббревиатуры Super High Output)… Однако, к сожалению, этот выдающийся двигатель так и не стал сердцем спорткара: по независящим от Yamaha Motor причинам проект GN34 был закрыт. Впрочем, «талантам» мотора Yamaha быстро нашлось и другое применение! В 1989 году была представлена спецверсия популярного седана Ford Taurus – модификация Taurus SHO. Несложно догадаться по названию, что именно эта модель получила 223-сильный V6 производства Yamaha. Двигатель имел несколько примечательных особенностей, которые в 90-х годах сделали «горячий» седан Ford культовым. Построенный на чугунном блоке, Yamaha SHO имел алюминиевые головы с 4 клапанами на цилиндр. Обладая «квадратной» размерностью (диаметра цилиндров почти равен ходу поршня: 89 × 80 мм), двигатель был высокооборотистым и мог раскручиваться до впечатляющих 8500 об/мин. Однако инженеры Ford настояли на электронном ограничении в 7300 об/мин, т.к. по информации из некоторых источников, на 8000 об/мин отказывала часть навесного оборудования и аксессуаров производства Ford. Ещё одна интересная особенность двигателя – впускные каналы переменной длины. Реализовано это было достаточно просто и эффективно: к каждому цилиндру Yamaha V6 SHO вели два впускных канала разной длины. В зависимости от оборотов управляющая электроника открывала либо короткий путь, либо длинный – тем самым добиваясь оптимальной работы мотора в разных режимах. Двигатель Yamaha V6 SHO устанавливался в Ford Taurus SHO вплоть до 1995 года, когда прекратилось производство модели второго поколения. В дальнейшем этот мотор был заменён не менее любопытным V8 SHO (также разработки Yamaha)… Впрочем, это уже совсем другая история! Источник
Видео:Yamaha Scara Robot Solutions ーYamaha Motor Co., Ltd.ーСкачать
Corporate profile and facts about Yamaha Motor.
Видео:Китайский мотор Gladiator 9.9 против Yamaha 9.9, Стоит ли брать китайца?Скачать
Basic Company Information
Company Name | Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. |
Founded | July 1, 1955 |
Capital | 86,100 million yen( as of June 30,2021 ) |
President | Yoshihiro Hidaka |
Employees ( Consolidated ) — Consolidated | 52,437 ( as of December 31, 2020 ) Parent : 10,359 ( as of December 31, 2020 ) |
Headquarters | 2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, Japan |
Group Companies | Consolidated subsidiaries : 130 Non-consolidated subsidiaries : 5 Affiliates : 28 ( as of June 30, 2021 ) |
Видео:31 Innovation from Yamaha Motor Co Ltd (House of Innovation)Скачать
Sales ( from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 )
Sales Profile ( Consolidated )
by Region
by Product Category
Major products: Motorcycles, intermediate parts for products and knockdown parts for overseas production, all-terrain vehicles, recreational off-highway vehicles, snowmobiles and electrically power assisted bicycles Major products: Outboard motors, personal watercraft, boats, FRP pools, fishing boats and utility boats Major products: Surface mounters, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, industrial robots and industrial-use unmanned helicopters Major services: Purchase financing and leasing of Yamaha Motor products Major products: Golf cars, generators, small-sized snow throwers, multi-purpose engines, automobile engines, automobile components and electrically powered wheelchairs
Видео:Corporate Video | Yamaha Motors India |Скачать
Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members ( As of March 24, 2021 )
Chairman and
Director Hiroyuki Yanagi
President and
Representative Director Yoshihiro Hidaka
Representative Director Katsuaki Watanabe
Director Katsuhito Yamaji
Director ( Outside ) Takuya Nakata
Director ( Outside ) Takehiro Kamigama
Director ( Outside ) Yuko Tashiro
Director ( Outside ) Tetsuji Ohashi
Standing Audit & Supervisory
Board Member Kenji Hironaga
Standing Audit & Supervisory
Board Member Junzo Saito
Audit & Supervisory
Board Member ( Outside ) Masatake Yone
Audit & Supervisory
Board Member ( Outside ) Eriko Kawai
Видео:⚙️🔩🔧Где сейчас производятся моторы YAMAHA и запчасти к ним? Обзор модели 2020 года 9.9G/15F.Скачать
YA-1 Motorcycle
The first Yamaha motorized product was the YA-1 Motorcycle (125cc, 2-stroke, single-cylinder, street bike). Nicknamed “The Red Dragonfly,” it was produced and sold in Japan. The brand new YA-1 won the first two races it entered that year.
The first Yamaha motorized product was the YA-1 Motorcycle (125cc, 2-stroke, single-cylinder, street bike). Nicknamed “The Red Dragonfly,” it was produced and sold in Japan. The brand new YA-1 won the first two races it entered that year.
The YD1 Motorcycle
The first Yamaha Motorcycles sold in the USA were imported by Cooper Motors, an independent distributor. The models were the YD1 (250cc, 2-stroke, twin cylinder, streetbike) and MF-1 (50cc, 2-stroke, single cylinder, streetbike, step-through).
Yamaha enters the world of international racing by competing in the Catalina Grand Prix in California, In this first attempt against the world’s seasoned racing machines, Yamaha placed an impressive 6th place. This race marked the first time a Japanese motorcycle raced in the U.S.
The first Yamaha Motorcycles sold in the USA were imported by Cooper Motors, an independent distributor. The models were the YD1 (250cc, 2-stroke, twin cylinder, streetbike) and MF-1 (50cc, 2-stroke, single cylinder, streetbike, step-through).
Yamaha enters the world of international racing by competing in the Catalina Grand Prix in California, In this first attempt against the world’s seasoned racing machines, Yamaha placed an impressive 6th place. This race marked the first time a Japanese motorcycle raced in the U.S.
Yamaha’s First Outboard Motor
Yamaha introduces its first Outboard Motor, the P-7, for the Japanese market. It was soon replaced by the more sophisticated and compact P-3 model. Both featured distinctive, bright yellow cowlings.
Yamaha International Corporation began selling motorcycles in the USA as well as Yamaha’s legendary musical instruments.
Yamaha introduces its first Outboard Motor, the P-7, for the Japanese market. It was soon replaced by the more sophisticated and compact P-3 model. Both featured distinctive, bright yellow cowlings.
Yamaha International Corporation began selling motorcycles in the USA as well as Yamaha’s legendary musical instruments.
World Grand Prix, RND 3
Yamaha’s first appearance in World GP road racing at Round 3, the France GP. Took 6th place in World GP 250cc class at round 4, the Isle of Man TT Race in Britain.
Yamaha’s first appearance in World GP road racing at Round 3, the France GP. Took 6th place in World GP 250cc class at round 4, the Isle of Man TT Race in Britain.
Yamaha Collaborates with Toyota
Yamaha collaborates with Toyota to develop and manufacture the Toyota 2000GT sports car. A modified convertible 2000GT was featured in the 1967 James Bond movie “You Only Live Twice.”
Yamaha wins its first 250cc class victory at the Daytona Grand Prix.
Yamaha collaborates with Toyota to develop and manufacture the Toyota 2000GT sports car. A modified convertible 2000GT was featured in the 1967 James Bond movie “You Only Live Twice.”
Yamaha wins its first 250cc class victory at the Daytona Grand Prix.
Yamalube Brand is Introduced
Yamaha introduces the now iconic Yamalube brand of oils and lubricants. The Yamalube commitment to high quality and performance is now recognized around the world.
Yamaha introduces the now iconic Yamalube brand of oils and lubricants. The Yamalube commitment to high quality and performance is now recognized around the world.
Yamaha’s First Snowmobile
Yamaha’s first Snowmobile, the SL350 (2-stroke, twin cylinder), is introduced. This was the first snowmobile with slide-valve carburetors.
The DT-1 Enduro is introduced. The world’s first dual-purpose motorcycle had on & off-road capability. Its impact on Motorcycling in the USA was enormous.
Yamaha’s first Snowmobile, the SL350 (2-stroke, twin cylinder), is introduced. This was the first snowmobile with slide-valve carburetors.
The DT-1 Enduro is introduced. The world’s first dual-purpose motorcycle had on & off-road capability. Its impact on Motorcycling in the USA was enormous.
Yamaha’s first 4-stroke motorcycle
Yamaha’s first 4-stroke motorcycle model, the XS-1 (650cc vertical twin) is introduced. Production of XS650 models would continue through the 1983 model year, and the bike is favored today by customizers.
Yamaha’s first 4-stroke motorcycle model, the XS-1 (650cc vertical twin) is introduced. Production of XS650 models would continue through the 1983 model year, and the bike is favored today by customizers.
Daytona 200 Victory
Yamaha wins its first Daytona 200 and would go on to be unbeatable for more than a decade.
Yamaha wins its first Daytona 200 and would go on to be unbeatable for more than a decade.
The SR433
The SR433, a purpose-built racer, was offered in 1972 and 1973.
Yamaha continues expansion into new markets by introducing Generators.
The SR433, a purpose-built racer, was offered in 1972 and 1973.
Yamaha continues expansion into new markets by introducing Generators.
YZ Monocross Beginnings
Yamaha pioneers the very first single-shock, production motocross bikes. This was the beginning of the YZ Monocross machines that changed motocross forever.
Yamaha pioneers the very first single-shock, production motocross bikes. This was the beginning of the YZ Monocross machines that changed motocross forever.
The SRX440 Snowmobile
The legendary SRX440 snowmobile hits the market and quickly catapults Yamaha to the forefront of the snowmobile racing scene.
The legendary SRX440 snowmobile hits the market and quickly catapults Yamaha to the forefront of the snowmobile racing scene.
Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. is founded
Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. is founded to better fulfill the needs of the American market and establish a separate identity (from music & electronics) for Yamaha motorized products.
Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. is founded to better fulfill the needs of the American market and establish a separate identity (from music & electronics) for Yamaha motorized products.
Golf Cars are introduced in the USA
Golf Cars were introduced in the USA with the G1 gas model.
The XS1100 motorcycle (four cylinder, shaft drive) is introduced.
XS650 Special is introduced. This was the first production Cruiser built by a Japanese manufacturer.
Kenny Roberts became the first American to win a Grand Prix motorcycle racing world championship, aboard his iconic yellow-and-black 500cc Yamaha
Golf Cars were introduced in the USA with the G1 gas model.
The XS1100 motorcycle (four cylinder, shaft drive) is introduced.
XS650 Special is introduced. This was the first production Cruiser built by a Japanese manufacturer.
Kenny Roberts became the first American to win a Grand Prix motorcycle racing world championship, aboard his iconic yellow-and-black 500cc Yamaha
Yamaha Develops YICS
YICS (Yamaha Induction Control System), a fuel-saving engine system, is developed for 4-stroke engines.
YICS (Yamaha Induction Control System), a fuel-saving engine system, is developed for 4-stroke engines.
Cypress, CA
The new Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. corporate office is opened in Cypress, California.
The first Yamaha 3-wheel ATV is sold in USA… the Tri-Moto (YT125).
The G1-E electric-powered Golf Car model is introduced.
The new Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. corporate office is opened in Cypress, California.
The first Yamaha 3-wheel ATV is sold in USA… the Tri-Moto (YT125).
The G1-E electric-powered Golf Car model is introduced.
The Virago 750 Cruiser
Yamaha’s first air-cooled, V-twin cruiser, the Virago 750, was introduced.
Yamaha’s first air-cooled, V-twin cruiser, the Virago 750, was introduced.
The FZ750 motorcycle
The first production 5-valve per cylinder engine is introduced on the 4-cylinder, DOHC, FZ750 motorcycle.
Yamaha’s first 4-wheel ATV, the YFM200 “Moto-4”, is introduced in the USA.
The Phazer snowmobile is introduced. Innovative design, light in weight and nimble handling character made this model one of the most popular for several years.
Yamaha begins marketing Outboard Motors in the USA.
The first production 5-valve per cylinder engine is introduced on the 4-cylinder, DOHC, FZ750 motorcycle.
Yamaha’s first 4-wheel ATV, the YFM200 “Moto-4”, is introduced in the USA.
The Phazer snowmobile is introduced. Innovative design, light in weight and nimble handling character made this model one of the most popular for several years.
Yamaha begins marketing Outboard Motors in the USA.
The V-Max 1200 Musclebike
The V-Max 1200 musclebike hits the streets. The 4-cylinder V4 includes “V-Boost,” a butterfly valve technology that opens at higher rpm to feed each cylinder from two carburetors for extra power.
The V-Max 1200 musclebike hits the streets. The 4-cylinder V4 includes “V-Boost,” a butterfly valve technology that opens at higher rpm to feed each cylinder from two carburetors for extra power.
Newnan, GA
Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America is founded in Newnan, Georgia.
Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America is founded in Newnan, Georgia.
Yamaha introduces personal watercraft
The sit-down WaveRunner and the stand-up WaveJammer Water Vehicles. The WaveRunner is the model that created today’s PWC market.
A new exhaust system for 4-stroke engines, “EXUP,” is developed to provide higher horsepower output throughout an engine’s powerband.
The venerable TW200 is introduced. This practical, do it all dual purpose motorcycle is still a favorite today, making it Yamaha’s longest running model sold in the U.S. More trivia? The TW200 is the first motorcycle ever to be ridden to the North Pole, by Shinji Kazama in 1987.
The Banshee ATV is introduced. Featuring the 2-cylinder, 2-stroke engine originally from the RZ350 street bike, there was nothing like it on the dunes. Although it’s been discontinued in the U.S. for over a decade, it still enjoys a cult following to this day.
Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Company begins Golf Car and Water Vehicle production for U.S. and overseas markets.
The sit-down WaveRunner and the stand-up WaveJammer Water Vehicles. The WaveRunner is the model that created today’s PWC market.
A new exhaust system for 4-stroke engines, “EXUP,” is developed to provide higher horsepower output throughout an engine’s powerband.
📺 Видео
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Осмотр Yamaha YZF600R Thundercat (1997)Скачать
YAMAHA 9.9 / 15. КАКОЙ МОТОР ВЫ КУПИТЕ В 2024?Скачать
История мотоциклов Yamaha | Discovery ChannelСкачать
Моторы Ямаха 30 сил, 4 такта и 2 такта.Скачать
Как отличить настоящий мотор YAMAHA 9.9 gmhs ОТ ПОДДЕЛКИСкачать
Лодочные моторы YAMAHA | ЯМАХА в ОмскеСкачать
Анти обзор лодочного мотора Yamaha 5Скачать
Моторы Сергея Митягина на обслуживании. Обзор YAMAHA 5 и сравнение моторовСкачать
Производство лодочных моторов YAMAHAСкачать
Как мужик Б/У мотор покупал. Обслуженная YAMAHA F9.9C из ЯпонииСкачать
Лодочные моторы ЯмахаСкачать
Interview to Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd's President, Hiroyuki YanagiСкачать
⚙️🔩🔧YAMAHA, TOHATSU, SUZUKI. Выбор 15-ти сильного мотораСкачать
YAMAHA MOTOR CIS в России - официальный дилер НПП "Жест" в ТЦ Формула Х.Скачать